BBA3602 Columbia Southern Corporate Social Responsibility Programs Research Instructions Research your present or past company’s view on corporate social

BBA3602 Columbia Southern Corporate Social Responsibility Programs Research Instructions

Research your present or past company’s view on corporate social responsibility. If you do not currently work for a company, pick a company that supports corporate social responsibility. Are there programs or initiatives in place to contribute to the community in some way? Review and describe these programs, and comment on their effectiveness to the community and organization, the employees, and the company.

Your homework assignment must be at least two pages in length. Use at least

one outside source to support your explanation. Your homework assignment

should be formatted in accordance with APA style. All sources used must be

referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations

and be cited per APA guidelines

***The company i would like to use is Cintas*** UNIT VII STUDY GUIDE
Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility
Course Learning Outcomes for Unit VII
Upon completion of this unit, students should be able to:
4. Recognize the impact of ethics on shaping an organization.
5. Explore the value of corporate social responsibility.
Reading Assignment
In order to access the following resource(s), click the link(s) below:
Axline, L. L. (1996). Viewpoints the ethics of performance appraisal. SAM Advanced Management Journal,
61(1), 44–46. Retrieved from
Lawton, A., & Paez, I. (2014). Developing a framework for ethical leadership. Journal of Business Ethics,
130(3) 639–649. Retrieved from
Watkins, S. (2015, October 23). Be radically transparent be honest and dependable; Take responsibility:
Otherwise, nos 1-9 won’t matter. Investors Business Daily, A03. Retrieved from
Draper, S. (2006). Key models for delivering sector-level corporate responsibility, Corporate Governance,
6(4), 409–419. Retrieved from
Senge, P. M., Down, M., & Neath, G. (2006). Learning together: New partnerships for new times.
Corporate Governance, 6(4), 420–430. Retrieved from
BBA 3602, Principles of Management
Unit Lesson
YouTube Video for Unit VII
Click here to view the video for Unit VII (1m 45s).
Click here to access a PDF of the video transcript.
Review the article in the Suggested Reading section of this unit by Mintz (2014) on a recent General Motors
(GM) automobile recall challenge. This article will also discuss what happened in the 1970s with competitor
Ford and problems with its Pinto. If a decision is made to fight lawsuits because it is cheaper than fixing the
problem for customers, what have the decision makers revealed about their ethics?
Besides appreciating how important it is to uphold a high
level of ethics to serve and protect the public, we may
take a more pragmatic approach: Bad news does not get
better with age, so a manager must make a move on
matters of ethics.
The topic of ethics has received much attention over the
centuries, and our focus is the link between ethics and
management. The way our English language terms are
commonly understood, people develop adherence to
specific values that articulate certain principles that
approach an ideal person’s good conduct (e.g., we will
not take unfair advantage of others in purchases or
business transactions). The practice of upholding such
Charlie Wilcox, USASMDC/ARSTRAT Simulation Center
values is described as our ethics or ethical conduct. The
program manager, left, talks with Ben Matthews,
next term also directly applies to managers. Ethical
project manager, and Cathy Hatchett, security
managers strive to be consistent in their application of
manager, both with GaN Corporation
ethics based on their values, which is described as
(Erhart, 2009)
having integrity. Having a reputation as a manager of
integrity, with ethical conduct and high moral values is a status of honor. It is hard to earn but terrifyingly easy
to lose. The preciousness of ethics and the delicacy of integrity are why following such a code of honor is
coached and mentored early in the careers of military and law enforcement professionals, starting initially at
their respective academies or universities (Lawton & Páez, 2014).
BBA 3602, Principles of Management
Ethics is a vital part of a manager’s personal character. Ethics cannot be acquired
instead is
x STUDYbut
learned over time with the
assistance of higher leaders
of authority and mentors, and this learning is best
started in childhood or adolescence. A manager must
willingly accept learned values and ethics and commit
to practice them through integrity. Many individuals
succeed in developing respectable ethics, and even
brief disappointments after committing breaches of
personal integrity can be used for learning. The above
relates to the manager and his or her internal dynamics
and conduct as an individual, but do ethics work in
organizations of people the manager leads?
As experienced employees know, events follow each
other “thick and fast” in a workday, and many issues,
large and small, emerge. We were taught values,
BMC Mike Weisenbaugh, OIC USCG Station Green Bay,
ethics, and ways our world works by parents,
leads the official party to the stage for the Salute to the
guardians, teachers, and role models as we were
Coast Guard at the City of Green Bay’s official Fourth of
growing up. As adults, we decide, coordinate,
July celebration, Fire Over the Fox
communicate, and act almost instinctively—frequently
judging and assessing what we should do in response
(USN, 2009)
or as proactive moves to a long string of situations.
Then what is the issue? Why do managers make the wrong choices and violate ethics as public cases so
painfully illustrate?

Upholding values by doing the ethical thing is often choosing the harder right over the easier wrong.
Doing the right thing is rarely easy. It usually does not appear to be the easiest choice nor the one
that sustains self-preservation. Finding a better way to do something is generally a virtue (recall Unit
VI discussions on innovation), but part of the manager’s art is perceiving when cutting a corner of a
procedure causes harm to the extent that reasonable risk assessment would discourage such a
technique. Considering the need to be fair and transparent, acting ethically seems to entail more
effort. However, acting ethically requires far less effort than recruiting more people if the present
organizational members get discouraged due to poor or inconsiderate management.
Ethics also includes efficient conduct, such as communicating to others. Transformational leadership
is not second nature to poor practitioners of leadership, and for some of these less enlightened
leaders, the extra work seems hardly worth the effort. Inefficiency on behalf of others may include
failures or delays in processing administrative actions, planning inadequate logistic support, or failing
to ensure that everyone is informed. Leaders who consistently neglect certain details of management
tied to others are not committing criminal acts, such as embezzling. However, such managers are still
reflecting poor ethics in terms of what parts of the leadership role they take seriously in their present
Managerial neglect of certain roles, which in changing times society increasingly has made clear is a
manager’s responsibility, has included the impact of an organization on its surroundings and people external
to the organization. As in other aspects of management, some managers have attended to corporate social
responsibility (CSR) since early times, paying attention to adverse impacts of the organization on
stakeholders (including resident neighbors) and the environment. However, such managers are in the
minority. The fact that most historical managers and social groups have not observed CSR, however, is
evident from the historical occurrence of social neglect of low income-earning employees and accumulating
pollution of the environment. From a systems view, which scientists and environmentalists often look at to
understand the earth’s processes, historical organized work has consistently taken resources from the earth
or contaminated certain local parts of it.
What does CSR look like in a government or business organization? Eidenskog (2015) explores a few

Re-examine total inputs/outputs. The ultimate goal should be reaching zero net energy and resource
consumption and waste production. The possibility of reaching one or more of these “zero” goals is
dependent on the type of organization and the situation. For example, a production plant may not be
BBA 3602, Principles of Management

able to reach zero consumption of raw materials, but it may be able toUNIT
go toxzero
if it can produce energy with solar panels or geothermal power.
Reset relations with stakeholders. Neighbors in proximity to an organization’s physical plant gain an
appreciation of it both as a source of jobs and as an organization that treats them as stakeholders
because they live in an area of common interest. Invitations to community meetings and decisions;
efforts to clean past pollution and prevent further introduction of untreated, plant-produced waste into
the watershed; and participation in community charitable causes and fun events are examples of
ways of changing the traditional relationships between people and organizations and ushering in a
new era of harmony. Stakeholders who appreciate a harmonious relationship include suppliers,
customers, and local government officials.
“Change” management with organizational members. Only sincere CSR efforts will work, and people
internal to the organization will immediately sense hypocrisy when they do not experience the same
goodwill extended to outside stakeholders. As managers implement CSR improvements, they must
fulfill their parallel responsibilities toward their own people.
Upholding ethics and practicing CSR take significant additional efforts but are necessary parts of the mosaic
of management.
Armstrong, G. (2009). FEMA – 42213 – Community Relations Outreach [Image]. Retrieved from
Eidenskog, M. (2015). Corporate responsibility and competitiveness. Linköping, Sweden: Linköping University
Electronic Press, 105-134.
Erhart, D. (2009). US Army 51968 Charlie Wilcox, USASMDC-ARSTRAT Simulation Center program
manager, left, talks with Ben Matthews, project manager, and Cathy Hatchett, security manager, both
with GaN Corporation. GaN Corporation was [Image]. Retrieved from,_USASMDCARSTRAT_Simulation_Center_program_manager,_left,_talks_with_Ben_Matthews,_project_manage
Lawton, A., & Páez, I. (2014). Developing a framework for ethical leadership. Journal of Business Ethics,
130(3), 639–649.
Mintz, S. (2014, March 11). GM recall raises ethical questions. Retrieved from
USN. (2009). Green Bay, Wisc. – Official party proceeds to stage for City of Green Bay’s July 4 Coast Guard
Salute DVIDS1092315 [Image]. Retrieved from,_Wisc.__Official_party_proceeds_to_stage_for_City_of_Green_Bay’s_July_4_Coast_Guard_Salute_DVIDS1
Suggested Reading
In the article below, you will read about the ethical decisions General Motors and Ford decided to implement.
Mintz, S. (2014, March 11). GM recall raises ethical questions. Retrieved from
BBA 3602, Principles of Management

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