BCJ2501 Columbia Southern Juvenile Delinquent and Criminology Discussions Unit I BCJ 2001 The current juvenile justice system focuses on rehabilitation ra

BCJ2501 Columbia Southern Juvenile Delinquent and Criminology Discussions Unit I BCJ 2001

The current juvenile justice system focuses on rehabilitation rather than the punishment of juveniles. This assumes that all can be rehabilitated. What is your position on this? Can every juvenile delinquent be rehabilitated; why, or why not? If not, provide an example of a type of juvenile who you think cannot be rehabilitated.

My classmate wrote this and I have to comment on it:

In my opinion, very few of the juveniles that get arrested can be rehabilitated. I do not think that all of them will be able to benefit from rehabilitation. I think that there is a large majority of juvenile offenders that go out and get into trouble because that is all they know. They do not have any family or anyone who cares for them and they are at their own whim to do as they please. I feel like if these children do not have structure in their life to begin with then it will be very hard to teach them that they have to abide by rules and have structure in their lives.

Unit II

In this unit, specific police units that work only with juvenile delinquents were discussed. What is your position on these? Is this money well spent? Are these special units really needed; why, or why not?

Unit I Assessment Questions:


Discuss status offenses. Be sure to include a definition of status offenses and a summary of two types. How could these lead to a life of crime?

Your response must be a minimum of 200 words.


Discuss the history of juvenile justice in America. Be sure to include a short summary in your discussion about parens patriae, the child saver movement, and the JJDPA.

Your response must be a minimum of 200 words.

BCJ 2501

Unit I

Explain a behavior that is currently legal, but you feel is deviant and should be against the law. Or, explain a behavior that is currently illegal, but you feel is not deviant and should be not against the law. (Please note that although you are welcome to share your opinions, please be respectful of others when discussing controversial topics.).

My classmate wrote this and I have to comment on it

The behavior that is currently legal within the right circumstances is disrespecting law enforcement officers. The disrespect I am talking of would be disrespect to most people across cultural lines and ethical lines. So it is legal to curse, swear, yell profanities, use obscene sign language and body gestures as long as it is not demonstrated or displayed in public eye. Law enforcement officers are expected to act in such a manner that represents professionalism and cursing and using derogatory sign language does not do that. So, in my opinion if a person make the willful decision to curse or be disrespectful in any of the forms I mentioned above they should receive a disorderly conduct charge.

Unit II

Read “The Case: Jodi Arias” on page 75 of your textbook. After reading this, reflect on how someone could commit such a horribly violent crime without any history of violence. Prior to this crime, she was a paralegal and had never been in trouble. Also, why do you think she killed her boyfriend?

Unit I Assessment questions


What is the purpose of the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) and the Uniform Crime Report (UCR), and how are they used?

Your response must be at least 200 words in length,


Compare and contrast the classical and neoclassical schools of criminology. Do you believe that one school of criminology is more relevant than the other? Explain your answer.

Your response must be at least 200 words in length,

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