Book review of Melissa Greggs’s Work’s Intimacy The 3-5 page book review should be written for a general audience and will be posted on your MA COMM blog.

Book review of Melissa Greggs’s Work’s Intimacy The 3-5 page book review should be written for a general audience and will be posted on your MA COMM blog. The book review must include the following elements:
A concise summary of the entire book.
What did this book teach you about how a particular medium/technological capacity/mediated experience affects users (i.e., how we relate, how we think, how we communicate, etc.)? Please provide at least 2 specific areas of impact/affect with examples to illuminate your points.
Address what you believe to be the most important benefit of this book. In other words, what do you believe is the greatest takeaway from this book for users of technology, mediated communication, etc. Why?
Provide one critique regarding a claim/argument provided in the book. Explain your critique.

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