BUS407 CH5 Design Theory Gagne-Briggs’ Nine Events Discussion: Design Theory (20 points) This week, you are expected to read Chapter 5 that reviews trainin

BUS407 CH5 Design Theory Gagne-Briggs’ Nine Events Discussion: Design Theory (20 points)
This week, you are expected to read Chapter 5 that reviews training design theories. Please review the information and respond to the following:

Select one (1) task at work and provide a one (1) sentence demonstration explaining how you would take the chosen task through Gagne-Briggs’ Nine Events (found in chapters 3 and 5).
Based on the scenario, prepare a brief training cost analysis for a training program of your choice, including estimated time requirements for each task and relating those time requirements to the overall cost you have identified for the project. Then, briefly describe your strategy for implementation.

I look forward to some creative ideas this week!

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