BUSN412 DeVry Week 1 Quality Management Training Program Course Objectives: CO2: Examine the tangible and intangible benefits of an effective quality prog
BUSN412 DeVry Week 1 Quality Management Training Program Course Objectives:
CO2: Examine the tangible and intangible benefits of an effective quality program
CO3: Examine the influences of leadership and strategic intent on an effective quality program
Assignment Prompt:
This week you have studied the impact that leadership and strategy has on a company’s quality. Assume your organization’s management is preparing to place a new emphasis on continuous improvement in product and service quality. Your assignment is straight forward. For the company you created in week 1, develop a training program for your employees in the form of a PowerPoint program that highlights the following:
The commitments you as the leader has placed on developing and installing a quality initiative that will have lasting affects on the company’s viability.
The commitments you are asking all of your staff and employees to make towards improving the quality of your products and/or services.
The commitments you are asking your vendors to make to help propel your business towards excellence in service and products.
The commitments you and your team are making to your customers.
What specific new strategies you are putting in place for the coming year to insure your organization is moving forward with growing your business through providing better value for your customers through excellence in product and service quality.
Assignment Instructions:
Use your creativity for this PowerPoint program, however, some of the elements that should be included are as follows:
A Template appropriate to the presentation
A minimum of 15 slides
Opening Title slide
Reference Slide at the end
Photos, clip art, and “Smart Art”
A well-organized “flow” to the presentation
A summation slide for the strategies you will measure your level of success with at the end of the next fiscal year Running head: THE RAYFORD SMARTPHONE STORE
The Rayford Smartphone Store
The Rayford Smartphone Store
Business Information
Business Name: The Rayford Smartphone Store
Business Address: 154 James Street, Miami, USA
Email: infor@Rayford.com
Telephone: 444-666-8888
Website: www.rayfordstoresales.com
Number of Employees: 9
Primary Line of Business: Smartphone Devices and Accessories
Management Directory
Ray Ford: President and C.E.O
Mary Ford: Product Acquisition and Sales Manager
John Robin: Human Resource Manager
Cate Mark: Customer Care and Delivery Officer
General Business Activities
The Rayford Smartphone Store has been established as a mobile/smartphone technology
company in North America. The store’s traditional business model is based on the current
accomplishment of the mobile devices technology in the United States markets and the world in
general. Based on the store owner decision to diversify sales and services, it will establish branches
in North and South America respectively before moving out of the United States market. The store
expects its revenue to be US$30,000 per month depending on various variables factored in with
the investments in the smartphone technology industry. The company will also invest parts of its
assets and profits in the purchase of the most traded securities such as bonds and stocks. Also, it
will take an interest in forex trading on global markets as part of its endeavors. There will be a
certified bank account to facilitate all the store transactions.
The Store Strategy
❖ Purpose – to be a leader in smartphone and their accessories provision in the
mobile technology industry.
❖ Vision – to offer services that exceed the expectations of esteemed smartphone
users in America.
❖ Mission Statement – to build and maintain long-term relationships with our
customers and provide the best customer services through partnerships with
smartphone manufacturers and technology experts.
❖ Core values – we strive to treat our clients with respect and good faith. We integrate
our business functioning with ethics, integrity, and honesty.
❖ Goals – to build an excellent reputation in the mobile device industry and regional
expansion in smartphone retailing for creating a strong customer base.
Scope of Work
The Rayford Smartphone Store will retail all the smartphone brands commonly used in the
United States together with device repair and trade-in for different smartphone brands both online
and offline. Additionally, the store will market its retailing services and available products to
increase its customer base and revenues.
Products Description and Quality Touch Points.
The store will import and retail locally in its centers and online the commonly used mobile
devices in the United States of America as the store will expand its product retailing and services
to all the states as quickly as possible. The accessories that will be retailed in our store both online
and offline offices are Apple’s iPhone, Samsung Galaxy 7-9 (Jkielty, 2019), HTC One (M8),
Motorola, Nexus 6, Nokia Lumia, and Meizu MX4 Pro (ASHVIN, 2018 ). The smartphone brands
have been selected for a start because they have been rated as the commonly used smartphone in
America. Since technology and customer preferences keep on changing, once the store is ready
and running there will be a program to keep it updated on customer trends and technology
When importing these mobile devices or smartphones the store officials will check and
verify their originality, that is, the manufacturers, specs, and brand. This is because there is a lot
of counterfeit smartphones that are being sold under the original brand names unlawfully. When
buying from local manufacturers such as Apple, Inc., the same checks will be conducted to ensure
that the devices delivered are the ones that were ordered and left the manufacturer’s warehouse.
When it comes to the online ordering of smartphones by our esteemed customers, we will check
their privacy and protection of data provided. We will also review the efficiency of the platform
which is part of the quality of our product access and service.
Quality Control Program
Product quality management is very crucial for every business even if it is not the producer
of the product it sales or deals with. Product quality control programs ensure that the product
features or characteristics can meet customer requirements or the state standards for that particular
product. Additionally, it provides that a product can meet or fulfill the customer’s needs and
expectations at the lowest cost possible (SATYENDRA, 2016). With these facts in mind, the
Rayford Smartphone Store will come up with a quality control program to ensure that the products
they retail are the best in meeting the customers’ needs and desires. The program will focus on the
following components of quality control.
1. Counterfeits. There are many manufacturers of fake smartphones that are sold all over the
world including the United States as original copyrighted and trademarked devices.
Rayford Smartphone Store quality control program will have a section to ensure that
devices imported from other countries and those from internal markets meet all the
standards. The quality planning and control act of the store will invite officers from the
United States Consumer Product Safety Commission (U.S. Government Agencies: U.S.
CPSC – U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, 2019) to inspect the goods before
they are distributed for retailing in all the stores.
2. Data and customer information privacy. Since the store will have an online retailing
platform where customers can order smartphones and accessories and therefore their
privacy during transactions is crucial. This can be controlled by ensuring that the store’s
online platform meets all the requirements for data protection as provided by the American
data privacy laws (Sotto, 2018). The store will enforce these by having its platform
inspected by experts from the data protection authority.
3. Quality Assurance. The store’s information technology team will ensure that the online
platform functions well and it is user-friendly by testing it several times and also ask for
feedback from shoppers. The quality program control will have a section to deal with
quality assurance that will make sure that both smartphones and the online platforms meet
standards. Ensuring quality standards are met will help the store create a broad base of
smartphone users for their products. Manufacturers will affirm quality to customers.
ASHVIN. (2018, OCTOBER 27). Top 10 Most Popular Smartphones in USA 2018. Retrieved
from TechWays: http://mymobotips.com/list-of-top-10-smartphone-in-usa-2015/
Jkielty. (2019, January 18 ). The most popular smartphones in 2019. Recovered from
DeviceAtlas: https://deviceatlas.com/blog/most-popular-smartphones#us
Recovered from Ispat guru: http://ispatguru.com/components-of-product-qualitymanagement/
Sotto, L. (2018, September). Data Protection & Privacy. Retrieved from GETTING THE DEAL
THROUGH https://gettingthedealthrough.com/area/52/jurisdiction/23/data-protectionprivacy-2019-united-states/
U.S. Government Agencies: U.S. CPSC – U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. (2019).
Recovered from American National Standards Institute:
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