CJUS 312 SUNY Morrisville Victimization Jasper Texas Movie Review This assignment needs to be 5 pages doubled spaced. This paper should reflect your reacti

CJUS 312 SUNY Morrisville Victimization Jasper Texas Movie Review This assignment needs to be 5 pages doubled spaced. This
paper should reflect your reaction to the movie Jasper
Texas. Think like a Victimologist and take the Objective
Approach. You should be able to apply the 4 step process
Victimologist use while carrying out their research: (1)
Identify/Describe the problem (2) Measure the problem (3)
Investigate how the victims were treated (4) Gather
evidence to test a hypotheses.
The following questions are designed to assist you in
writing your reaction paper.
-What was the nature of the crime and who were the direct
and indirect victims?
-How do you think law enforcement officials reacted to this
event? What did they do that may have helped or hindered
this case?
-Was there any outside political agendas? By whom and
what was their motive?
-How do you think the media portrayed this event? How
did they treat and interact with the victims?
-How did the community of Jasper deal with this tragic
event that put them into the spot light for the world to
-Finally…because this was a land mark event, what Act did
the US Congress pass in 2009 and what is the significance
of this Act?

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