Columbia Southern Threat Management Court Security PPT Presentation Threat ManagementIn this unit, you examined the Golden Rules for an effective threat ma

Columbia Southern Threat Management Court Security PPT Presentation Threat ManagementIn this unit, you examined the Golden Rules for an effective threat management process. This assignment provides you an
opportunity to further explore this topic by creating a PowerPoint Presentation. As a court security manager, you have been
asked by the Presiding Judge to develop a presentation to the judges of the courthouse on your threat-management
process. To complete this assignment, you will want to include the ten Golden Rules for effective threat management. Use
at least five images in your presentation. Make sure the images add to and are appropriate for the material you include.
Your completed PowerPoint Presentation should be at least 10 slides (not including cover/title, table of contents, and
references slides). Be sure to follow APA style for in-text citations and references. You may also use the slide notes function
to explain slide content as necessary.

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