Communication Listening and Hearing Activity 3: Listening & Memory for College Students Instructions: In class, we discussed both listening and memory. Fo

Communication Listening and Hearing Activity 3: Listening & Memory for College Students

Instructions: In class, we discussed both listening and memory. For this activity, you will draw on the information you learned about listening and improving your memory. Refer to class notes and readings from Unit 3 to help you complete this activity.

(1) Define both hearing and listening in your own words.Please also describe the differences between hearing and listening.

(2) In class we discussed 6 different factors that tend to make listening difficult. For this part please provide (a) a description of each factor and (b) an example that was not discussed in classfor each factor.

(3) Discuss what steps you would take to overcome the problems you mentioned for #2. Please provide at least three specific stepsyou would use to overcome any or all of the problems.

In class we discussed several ways to improve individuals’ long-term memory. Which of these methods works best for you and WHY? Your answer should have two parts: (a) description of the method you tend to use and (b) a brief reasoning for your choice

This activity must be submitted to eCampus as either a text submission or an attached file no later than 11:59pm.

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