CSU Job Winning Strategies cover letter Part I For this assignment, you should first complete the following tasks: Watch this video on the importance of

CSU Job Winning Strategies cover letter Part I

For this assignment, you should first complete the following tasks:

Watch this video on the importance of resumes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=DbxhoqjL-_s
Build a professional-quality resume or CV that offers a clear representation of you and your skills. Be sure to access the CSU-Global Career Center through the student portal and explore the resources, information, and tools available to assist you in your career pursuits. Pay particular attention to the resources pertaining to building an effective resume, as well as information pertaining to the job interview. Note that among the comprehensive offerings, Career Center reviewers will evaluate your resume free of charge.
Build a professional-quality resume or CV that offers a clear representation of you and your skills. Explore the CSU-Global Career Center for additional support.
Note: You may fictionalize company names, reference information, contact information, or any other information that you feel may compromise your privacy, although the resume/CV should reflect your qualifications as accurately as possible.
Conduct a practice interview either on your own (using flash cards with prepared questions), with the help of a friend/family member, or with a professional in your field.

Part II

Next, develop a well-written paper that includes the following:

The results of your job search
A summary of what you learned in building a resume
An assessment of your experience in a practice interview, including what you learned that you can apply to a real life interview.

Your paper should meet the following requirements:

Be 5-6 pages in length, excluding the title and references pages.
Be formatted according to the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA.
In addition to course resources, use the CSU-Global Library to find three additional resources to support the position you take.

Be sure to check out the CSU-Global Online Research and Writing Lab. Here you can find:

Writing considerations and tips
Writing resources
Sample papers
An APA Template for writing assignments

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