Debate Activity Hi, kindly find attached document with all instructions. Please make sure you follow them. Ensure excellent English and make sure you forma

Debate Activity Hi, kindly find attached document with all instructions. Please make sure you follow them. Ensure excellent English and make sure you format appropriately Thank you
Activity Inquiries – length & citations – A…
Mail – lletsu01@guelph
Groups – Group 1 – AHSS 2240 (DE01) W…
Discussion Activity Inquiries
Thanks for your questions.
Discussion Activity length:
The Discussion Activity assignments do not have a length requirement. Some students can
take a page to say what others might say in a few sentences. Some of you might feel
passionately about the topics and want to write a lot to work through your ideas. Others
will just want to get the job done in as briefly as possible.
The intention for the Discussion Activity position statements is for you to write for quality,
not to meet a word limit. That being said, it would be difficult to meet the assignment
requirements with less than about 6-8 sentences. Also, keep in mind that each Discussion
Activity is worth 10% of your final grade. Budget your time and work accordingly.
Discussion Activity References Guidelines:
You are not required to include a title page.
Discussion Activity submissions are expected to meet academic citation requirements.
What do I mean by this? When you use anyone else’s words, ideas, or statistics you need to
indicate the source at the end of the sentence in which you use that information AND
include a properly-formatted citation for the source in a Reference list at the end of the
post. I will accept references written using APA, MLA, or Chicago citation format, as long as
you use one format consistently. For more on citation, see the Research & Citation
Assistance discussion threads on the course site.
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