Defining Postmodernism and Social Construction

ou will design a PowerPoint presentation. Assume that you are conducting training within an agency setting to an intimate group of colleagues. This is a group of people that you feel comfortable being transparent. Use the bulleted items below to create your training presentation:

  • Defining Postmodernism and Social Constructionism: Explain these concepts and share some of the assumptions that accompany them. Be sure to cite appropriately. In the speaker notes section, provide two to three questions you would ask to facilitate a conversation.
  • Social Constructionism and Current Events: Apply postmodernism and social constructionism to current events. Feel free to describe political, cultural, or educational occurrences or events related to the construction of family, or other trends across history. In the speaker notes, prepare some dialogue that you would use to engage your audience around teaching how postmodernism applies to the real world.
  • Personal Identity Development: Include a bulleted list to identify different parts of your identity that inform who you are and how you interpret knowledge. This will be different for each person but will include factors such as race and ethnicity, nation of origin, economic status, education level, religion and spirituality, gender, sexual orientation, ability, etc. In the speaker notes, describe how these parts of you have informed the way that you relate to others and how these parts of your identity inform how you create meaning.
  • Identity as Relational: Provide examples of how your identity is relational, distributed, performed, and fluid. Elaborate within the speaker notes.
  • Personal Responsibility and Commitment: Recommend how clinicians can work to be more conscious of context and power. Elaborate on these items in your speaker notes.

Incorporate appropriate animations, transitions, and graphics as well as speaker notes for each slide. The speaker notes may be comprised of brief paragraphs or bulleted lists.

Support your presentation with at least three scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources may be included.

Length: Feel free to expand on these five slides; but, keep your presentation between 7-13 slides, including title and reference slides.

Notes Length: 100-150 words for each slide

References: Include a minimum of 3 scholarly resources.

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