Democracy in America Book Analysis Paper should be typed using Times New Roman font size 12 and double spaced, using Turabian writing style. Please include

Democracy in America Book Analysis Paper should be typed using Times New Roman font size 12 and double spaced, using Turabian writing style. Please include a title page. The body of the paper must be at least 4 typed pages and include the following sections:CENTRAL THEME – What is the central theme of Volume I of Democracy in America? by Alexis De Tocqueville .This section may not exceed one typewritten page.RELEVANCE – Relate the concepts found in Volume I of Democracy in America with the Constitution and Public Affairs.PUBLIC AFFAIRS IMPLICATIONS – Public affairs is understood by the Hauptmann School of Public Affairs to be the field of study which shows the interrelationships between the activities of government (on all its levels) with other elements of the social and economic systems. How has reading Volume I of Democracy in America affected your understanding of public affairs?Original work only, if you have any question please contact me immediately. If you can’t complete the assignment please don’t take it on.

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