Discussion Speech Analysis Only 75 words or so each…need this quickly!!!Please see pics for discussionsIf you cite make sure the citation is right under

Discussion Speech Analysis Only 75 words or so each…need this quickly!!!Please see pics for discussionsIf you cite make sure the citation is right under the corresponding discussion NO P l Sprint
☺ 76%
5:42 PM
TO Opuuun, umu
okay. Your instructor will take that into consideration whie
grading. But do make sure you’re making eye contact,
you’re taking smart pauses, and you’re really make this
speech your own.
Speech Analysis
For our next speech analysis, we’ll take a look at a
speech from Julian Treasure, a speaker for Ted Talk. In
this speech he talks about speaking so that people want
to listen. There is power in our vocal image!
Evaluate the speaker’s presentation as if you were
grading his effort. What do you notice about his posture?
His language? What type of vocabulary and terminology
are you hearing, that you don’t normally hear? What skills
did Julian Treasure use from our article (25 Skills) from last
week? What did he do well and what could he have
worked on? Pay special attention to the speaker’s vocal
image. Refer to things from our lecture this week that
relate to this speech. Finally, share why vocal image is
important when giving a speech; do you feel the speaker
had good or poor vocal image in this speech?
Please watch this short video, then share your thoughts
and reactions in the discussion board.
In your initial post:
In approximately 150 words give your thoughts about this
speech. Refer to things from our lecture this week that
relate to this speech. If you find examples of a terrific
speaker with vocal delivery share it! Examples are a great
way to share knowledge with each other.
Follow Up Posts
oll Sprint
5:43 PM
In chapter one, you studied the concept of
functions and how they can be beneficial in
modeling applications. When a formula can
be used to model an application we can
study behavior but studying the
mathematical relationship used to describe
the application. Sequences and series are
actually functions themselves. So being
able to identify the pattern, that is the
function, can help us study the behavior of
what we are modeling.
In your initial post…
Consider the following problem. Mike and
Tim are looking to earn a little extra money.
The beach committee offers them the
opportunity off picking up plastic bottles,
paying them $0.20 per bottle. Mike realizes
as they pick up it will get harder and harder
to find more bottles. So as an incentive to
keep looking he suggest a different form of
payment. He suggests $0.10 for the first
bottle, and increase the pay by 2% for
each bottle after that. Tim thinks Mike is
crazy to propose an increase of just 2%
per piece. He plans to ask for a one-cent
increase for every piece, starting at 15
cents for the first bottle. Suppose the
committee accepts each offer.
Answer the following in detail:
a. For Mike and Tim, write the first 5
terms of a sequence for payment
scheme for each piece of paper.
b. Write a function to generate the n-th
sequence values (bottle payment) for
each Mike and Tim. Explain why you
chose that function.
c. Using the formula how much will
each receive for the 50th bottle? For
the 100th bottle?
d. Determine the type of sequences for
both Mike and Tim.
e. Who do you think fairs better in the
long term? Explain.
W8 Discussion “Worker’s Compensation Claim”
Reimbursement Methodologies
Worker’s Compensation
Discuss the steps an injured worker must
take once an injury occurs on the job.
What are some of the critical data
elements that must be collected on a work
comp claim in order to be reimbursed?
l Sprint
☺ 79%
5:48 PM
i Ims.grantham.edu
“Imports destroy
jobs; exports
create them. The
average American
is hurt by imports
and helped by
exports.” Do you
agree or disagree
with this
Explain and
Review absolute
and comparative
Personal private
property protection
allows for greater
ventures, and thus
an expanding
economy and job
growth; can import
tariffs and quotas
reduce the benefits
of trade? Review
the mechanics of
import tariffs and
quotas and world
ul Sprint
☺ 79%
5:48 PM
Biodiversity and Human
Biodiversity refers to the
variety of living organisms
found within an
ecosystem. In your
description, evaluate the
role of humans in the
current biodiversity loss
situation and increased
species extinction rate. In
addition, discuss potential
solutions to these issues.
View your discussion
Mel, the natatan
n Ini

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