EC211/EEC2401 Rasmussen Mod 3 Parenting Styles Application Assignment For this assignment, apply what you have learned about parenting styles to a movie or

EC211/EEC2401 Rasmussen Mod 3 Parenting Styles Application Assignment For this assignment, apply what you have learned about parenting styles to a movie or TV family show. The suggested movie for this assignment is Parenthood (1989). Keep in mind, if you don’t have access to the movie Parenthood, you can find an alternate family in a TV show or movie of choosing.

After watching the movie or TV show, write a 2-3 page paper addressing the following.

1. Include the name of the movie/TV show and list the characters. Identify the parents and the parenting style(s) they exhibited.

2. Demonstrate your knowledge of parenting styles from your course materials by including specific examples of the parenting styles you identified.

3. Include it the styles changed or stayed the same throughout the movie/TV show.

4. Describe what you observed about the relationships within each immediate family unit (include between both parents and between the parents and between the parents and children).

5. Describe how the parenting styles influenced children in the movie/TV show.

6. Explain how a knowledge of parenting styles connect with your work with children and families. Include your plan to use this knowledge as a professional.

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