ECON 220 Macroeconomics Video Macro Analysis Answer all the question on the assignment. It’s all the Macroeconomics’s question. Video-MACRO-intro-questions

ECON 220 Macroeconomics Video Macro Analysis Answer all the question on the assignment. It’s all the Macroeconomics’s question. Video-MACRO-intro-questions:
Based on the videotaped introductory lecture ( go to chaptr resources in MEL, click on chapter 1 and
scroll down to “Introductory Video”)please answer the following questions. Use a different color of fonts
for your answers.
1- What is the main focus of macro economics?
2- Give 3 examples of macroeconomic topics
a. –
b. –
c. 3- What are the main reasons we would like to see the economy grow?
a. –
b. –
c. –
d. –
4- What will happen if the economy grows too fast and what is the reason for that?
5- How would you use fiscal policy to make the economy grow faster?
6- When will the economy experience a deficit?
7- At the time of the recording of the video, how large was the federal deficit?
8- At the time of the recording how large was the national debt?
9- How does the government borrow money?
10- What organization is responsible for monetary policy?
11- If we would like to slow the economy down, what should be done about interest rates?
12- How is the global economy interrelated?
13- How will jobs in the US be affected by outsourcing – both short run and long run
Updated statistics:
GDP growth in 3rd quarter of 2018
How fast has China’s economy grown in 2018?
What was the federal deficit for 2018?
How large is the national debt today (in trillions of dollars)?

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