Emergency Management: Natural Hazards Report Overview Instructions and all information needed for completing this assignment will be included in the word d

Emergency Management: Natural Hazards Report Overview Instructions and all information needed for completing this assignment will be included in the word document titled assignment instructions that will be attached. if you have any questions please feel free to message me. Instructions:

Provide an approximate 1500-word document analyzing important concepts in the reading:
The World Bank. (2010). Natural hazards, unnatural disasters. Washington DC: The
World Bank: Read the entire text from ‘Memo’ to a Concerned Finance Minister
through Memo’ to a Concerned Citizen.

Provide an introduction that gives the background of the resource that you are reviewing,
so the reader will understand what they’re reading and why.

They are not meant to be all-inclusive, and your reader will not understand the context. Rather,
give an overview of the author’s entire body of work, using the topics as guidelines.

Ensure that you meet or exceed the 1500-word target, and that your paper meets APA
presentation requirements. Use the reading provided above as the main reference and
you may use other academic peer reviewed sources and ensure they are properly cited.

Include the following topics for inclusion in this week’s discussion, DO NOT list out the topics or
questions and answer them:
Discuss Hazard Clustering including how do hazards ‘cluster’ and what are the impacts?
Discuss how disasters impact the economy and growth?
Discuss individual preparedness including are individuals adequately self-sufficient
and concerned for their own welfare and safety?
Discuss how governments can help individuals and society overall?
What is the role of insurance? Is insurance sustainable in an environment of increasing
How are cities inherently hazardous?
How would your perspective of disaster change if a disaster similar to those
described happened to you?

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