EMS3301 Columbia Southern University Emergency Medical Services Essay For this assignment, you are asked to write a 2 1/2-3 page essay that addresses how d

EMS3301 Columbia Southern University Emergency Medical Services Essay For this assignment, you are asked to write a 2 1/2-3 page essay that addresses how data collection and published research
contribute to the evolution of EMS as an evidence-based clinical practice. The application of the data and research may
be related to a clinical based function, support for routine or special operations in EMS, or overall system performance.
Your essay should include the role of the EMS medical director in data collection, interpretation, and application of
research to initiate changes or development in the area you select.Your essay should be written in APA style with all sources cited in APA format. You should include a title and reference
page (not included in the required pages for the assignment).

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