ENG 1302 North Lake The Influencing Machine Review the reading for potential issues related to technology and your own journal one to develop positions on

ENG 1302 North Lake The Influencing Machine Review the reading for potential issues related to technology and your own journal one to develop positions on whether those issues are or are not problematic. Then, build a response either disagreeing or agreeing with the point of view presented in the Gladstone and Neufeld reading.

Use the text reading assignment on responding and the response link (week 2) as guidelines. As you are going to explore three issues, each issue can be a body paragraph. Make sure the thesis states your overall agreement or disagreement with Gladstone and Neufeld.

Requirements of this paper-

1. A clear position must be taken by the writer

2. The thesis must clearly take a position

3. Do not use second person “you” anywhere in the essay

4. The essay should be 700-900 words

5. Use MLA documentation for in text citation and works cited page

6. Use and appropriately cite the required article (Gladstone and Neufeld)

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