ENG102 The use of rhetoric essay all the instructions on the file which I circle it with red color .. if . you did’t have the book I will take a pictures f

ENG102 The use of rhetoric essay all the instructions on the file which I circle it with red color .. if . you did’t have the book I will take a pictures for the pages SHORT WRITE ASSIGNMENTS
Short writes are designed to provide you with a space to write in response to the class readings. Generally, I
expect you to apply the critical theories of writing directly to your own writing process. All short writes should
be typed and double-spaced, using Times New Roman, 12 pt font. They should be printed, stapled, and turned
in during the class-time they are scheduled for. Do not email your short writes. Late short writes can be
turned in during the next class time (only) for reduced credit. When I ask for 2 full pages, I mean just that –
full pages. Readings are labeled as UR for Understanding Rhetoric and are considered mandatory. You should
always bring UR to class when there is an assigned reading / short write due out of it.
Short Write #1: Due Thurs Jan 17
Read pgs 1-31 in UR on “Spaces For Writing.” Write 2 full pages that analyze 3 important points from the
reading and how you see them aiding you in your own writing.
Short Write #2: Due Tues Jan 22
Read pgs 37-65 in UR on “Why Rhetoric?” Consider the major concepts introduced here-how might you use
them in your own editorial assignment? Write 2 full pages.
Short Write #3: Due Thurs Jan 24 (during conference time)
Topics Ideas due for the
Evaluation Essay during your scheduled conference time: Type up at least 3 ideas for
your paper topic, including rough ideas for what argument you might want to make about that topic.
Short Write #4: Due Tues Jan 29
Read pgs 119-147 in UR on “Writing Identities.” Write 2 full pages that analyze 3 important points from the
reading and how you see them aiding you in your own writing.

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