ENG122 Ashford Week 5 Bad effects of Bullying in schools Essay The Week 5 assignment is the culmination of your hard work in ENG122. You will submit your f

ENG122 Ashford Week 5 Bad effects of Bullying in schools Essay The Week 5 assignment is the culmination of your hard work in ENG122. You will submit your final research-based academic argument. Weekly instructor guidance, prior assignment feedback, and Chapter 5 in your course text, College Writing Handbook, will help you complete final revisions and edits. In this assignment, you will show that you have achieved all course learning outcomes:

Interpret information through close and critical reading.
Demonstrate effective use of the writing process.
Employ effective academic tone, style, mechanics, and citation method.
Integrate relevant source material effectively and ethically.
Support a position appropriate to the rhetorical situation.

You will submit a five- to seven-page (1,250 to 1,800 word) well-structured essay that is formatted in proper APA style. This final draft assignment must integrate prior feedback and show effective improvement from the prior rough draft assignment. Your essay is expected to be the product of a complete and thorough writing process.

The argument presented in your essay must be sound, valid, and based upon evidence from at least eight credible sources—at least five of which must be scholarly. (Review the Scholarly, Peer Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. table for more information about appropriate sources). Information and evidence must be integrated properly, cited accurately, and used with integrity. The essay must be appropriate for an academic audience.

If you have any questions about the requirements of this assignment, please contact your instructor right away. This assignment will be assessed on a 100-point scale and is worth 30% of your final grade. Your assignment may lose its formatting when it is converted in the Waypoint grading system. To preserve formatting, please submit your assignment as a PDF file.

My feedback from my first paper which is attached also attached the paper template she want us to use.


Thanks for your submission.

This is a good topic. You, however, needed to choose an argumentative one and defend one claim.

The topic is not argumentative; this is more like a cause/effect essay, which is off topic.

Please read my feedback carefully and revise before you submit the final draft.

You should decide on one specific claim and justify it with 2-3 reasons. Then discuss each reason in a separate paragraph in the main body. Then discuss the counterclaim and rebut it.

I advise you to use the attached template with the subheadings. Running head: SHORTENED VERSION OF YOUR TITLE
Full Title of Your Project: Rough Draft
FirstName LastName
ENG122: English Composition II
Instructor FirstName LastName
Monday Day, Year
Full Title of Your Project: Rough Draft
Write your paper in a well-structured essay format and utilize the writing center’s
structure guidelines and APA guides to help you. Use your outline as a roadmap so you stay on
track. Remember to keep your eye on the big picture, too. Your overall argument, as described in
your thesis statement, must be clearly communicated in each paragraph. End the introduction
paragraph with your thesis statement.
Begin each body paragraph with a topic sentence. Remember, your introduction and
conclusion will discuss the full argument at a high level, but your body paragraphs will each
explore one piece of the argument. Support every claim with cited evidence from credible
sources, and discuss the information in the context of your argument. Make sure all your pieces
fit to create the complete argument. Reach out to the writing center tutors any time you would
like some one-on-one support. Give the draft your best effort, but do not pressure yourself to be
perfect. There will be plenty of time for revision and editing in Weeks 4 and 5.
Author, A. A. & Author B. B. (Year). Title of article with sentence case capitalization. Title of
Periodical with Title Case Capitalization, V#(I#), p#-p#. doi:xx.xxxxxxxxxx
Author, A. A. (Year, Month). Title of online article with sentence case capitalization. Title of
Web Periodical with Title Case Capitalization, V#(I#). Retrieved from
Author, C. C. (Year, Month Day). Title of newspaper article with sentence case capitalization.
Title of Newspaper with Title Case Capitalization, pp. A1, B2-B3
Author, D. D. (Year, Month Day). Title of online newspaper article with sentence case
capitalization. Title of Newspaper with Title Case Capitalization. Retrieved from
Author, E. E. (Year). Title of physical book with sentence case capitalization. Location:
Author, F. F. (Year). Title of digital book with sentence case capitalization.
Corporate or Government Organization. (Year). Title of report or document with sentence case
capitalization. Retrieved from https://www.onlinelocation.gov
For help citing and referencing court cases, see: http://blog.apastyle.org/apastyle/2013/10/citingcourt-decisions-in-apa-style.html
For help citing and referencing the United Stated Constitution, see:
For help referencing other document types, see: http://writingcenter.ashford.edu/format-yourreference-list
➢ Thesis statement
Types of bullying
➢ Social
➢ Verbal
➢ Physical
Causes of bulling among the youth
➢ Peer pressure
➢ Low self-esteem
➢ Dominant personalities
Effects and preventions of Bullying among the youth

Laws and regulations
Running head: BULLYING
Bullying Among the Youth
Kawi Young
ENG122: English Composition II
Ashford University
January 31, 2019
Bullying is a practice that has been there for a long time now. It has existed for long
and has in the recent past evolved due to the use of technology. The way bullying is
committed today is very different from the way it used to be perpetrated before use of
technology became widespread. Ideally, bullying is a predominant public health issue that
entails verbal, physical as well as psychological forms of aggression. It usually involves a
real or perceived power imbalance. This conduct is repeated or rather has the potential to be
repeated over and over by those who perpetuate it. Apparently, both the youth victims and
preparators can have long term problems. This paper, therefore, seeks to explore the concept
of bullying among the youth in details by examining the overarching causes, types of
bullying, impacts and ways to address this health problem.
Types of bullying
Over the recent past, bullying among the youth in the society has been on the
increase. This has led to psychological health problems among many teenagers especially
those in school. Notably, bullying among the youth can be categorized into three categories.
These are social bullying, physical bullying and verbal bullying. Social bullying is also called
rational bullying and can involve instances where the perpetrator embarrasses the victim in
public, spreading false information about another person and telling other people not to be
friends with another as a way of causing alienation (Baldry, Farrington & Sorrentino, 2017).
This is a common type of bullying in today’s society among the youth. For example, many
young people have been affected by the spread of rumors on online platforms where the
perpetrators post without caring about the effect such contents have on the victims.
Physical bullying, on the other hand, involves hurting the victim’s body or
possessions. Ideally, physical harassment entails pushing, rude hand gestures, spitting,
kicking and breaking another person’s properties among others. Among youth in schools,
some go to the extent of operating in gangs to hurt others by beating or kicking and even
destroying their properties. Such happens due to the desire to for some students to be seen as
more powerful than others. There is also verbal bullying. This is where a perpetrator writes or
says mean things about another individual. A good example is name calling. This is common
among the youth. Notably, some students give others names in respect to their physical looks,
culture or race which can be hurting for the victims (Baldry, Farrington & Sorrentino, 2017).
Other verbal bullying includes threats to cause harm, teasing and unsuitable sexual
comments. All these types of bullying take place today and can be perpetuated physically or
through the use of social media.
Causes of bullying among the youth
Notably, bullying can occur in schools or even after schools. Either way, it can be
perpetuated through the internet which is the most common way in which young people are
conducting the practice in modern society. But what causes bullying among the youth? Well,
there are a number of causes. Low self-esteem is one of the causes of bullying among young
people. According to studies, students with low self-esteem use bullying as a way for them to
feel better (Tyler & Schmitz, 2018). Ideally, threatening others or treating them as victims
makes those students with low self-esteem feel more powerful. To this end, these students use
this as a way to compensate for their low self-esteem. Another cause of bullying among the
youth is dominant traits. Young people with these dominant personalities in many cases are
popular and connect with different types of people. As such, they tend to have the need to
dominate less popular individuals. They do this as a way of maintaining their popularity.
Another and most common cause of bullying among the youth is peer pressure as
well as the desire to fit in certain groups. Ideally, some young people will bully others as a
way of remaining popular while others bully others to fit in certain groups. The peer pressure
to act in a certain way to be accepted in by a group can have adverse effects not only to the
victims but also to the perpetrator. What is funny though is the fact that even those young
people who bully others due to peer pressure do not feel comfortable with their bullying acts.
This is because some are forced to act in such ways by those who dominate the group as a
way of earning a ticket to fit in the group. Additionally, discriminatory policies, especially in
schools, can teach young people to be bullies (Mueller, James, Abrutyn & Levin, 2015). This
is most common in nations with people of different races like the US. In the US, for example,
the whites have been discriminating against blacks for a long time. As such, when a student
says something that is discriminatory in nature and fails to be punished by school authority it
makes others feel that they can bully others and still escape unscathed.
Effects and preventions of Bullying among the youth
Bullying affects the victims adversely. For example, the victims of bullying tend to
have short term effects in which they experience depression, have stress and feel like their
lives are falling apart. This is common in today where cyberbullying takes place at any time
and any place. For example, when a perpetrator posts on social media false information about
99990900a victim, it becomes hurting. This makes one feel depressed and hate at the same
time (Eisenberg, McMorris, Gower & Chatterjee, 2016). The impact of this in many cases is
a decline in school performance among the youth. This is because concentration in school
becomes a challenge for the victims. When bullying continues, the victim can even commit
suicide. Many cases of suicide among the youth have been linked to cyberbullying. In the
long-term, victims of bullying can start to feel insecure, lack trust and develop mental
problems like PTSD. Also, there are those who develop the desire for vengeance leading
them to torment others. Bullying can affect young people’s ability to learn, socialize with
others as well as their physical and emotional safety.
One of the best ways to address this problem is communication, especially in schools.
This can be undertaken by training both the staff and students on what bullying is, how it
happens and its effects. Through this information, they can become aware of it hence easily
prevented (Yoon, Sulkowski & Bauman, 2016). Another measure to address the problem is
through establishing strict rules by school management and also the law enforcement
agencies. This will ensure that students who bully others in schools are disciplined. Also, law
enforcement rules on the same will make sure that any practice of bullying especially
cyberbullying is addressed in the correct way and perpetrators punished for the same.
In conclusion, bullying is a widespread practice in today’s society among youth. It is
caused by many factors as seen in the above discussion. Low self-esteem, dominant
personalities, discriminatory policies and peer pressure are among the primary causes of
bullying among the youth. Bullying leads to depression, stress and even suicide among other
effects. It is therefore imperative to come up with laws and regulations to address the
Baldry, A. C., Farrington, D. P., & Sorrentino, A. (2017). School bullying and cyberbullying
among boys and girls: Roles and overlap. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment &
Trauma, 26(9), 937-951.
Eisenberg, M. E., McMorris, B. J., Gower, A. L., & Chatterjee, D. (2016). Bullying
victimization and emotional distress: is there strength in numbers for vulnerable
youth? Journal of psychosomatic research, 86, 13-19.
Mueller, A. S., James, W., Abrutyn, S., & Levin, M. L. (2015). Suicide ideation and bullying
among US adolescents: Examining the intersections of sexual orientation, gender, and
race/ethnicity. American journal of public health, 105(5), 980-985.
Tyler, K. A., & Schmitz, R. M. (2018). Bullying at school and on the street: risk factors and
outcomes among homeless youth. Journal of interpersonal violence,
Yoon, J., Sulkowski, M. L., & Bauman, S. A. (2016). Teachers’ responses to bullying
incidents: Effects of teacher characteristics and contexts. Journal of school violence,
15(1), 91-113.

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