ENGL2030 SUNY Buffalo Little Red Riding Hood summary Tatar tells us that the fairy tale continues to evolve, that it is a hallmark of the form that there i

ENGL2030 SUNY Buffalo Little Red Riding Hood summary Tatar tells us that the fairy tale continues to evolve, that it is a hallmark of the form that there is not really a definitive version of each “tale type.” With that in mind, choose one of our tale types to “retell.” In a tale of at least 200 words, retell the tale of “Little Red Riding Hood,” “Snow White,” or “Cinderella.” Updating it to be set in today’s time is one approach you might use; another is to change the setting to an urban location. It’s your choice! Below your retelling, in at least 1-2 sentences, briefly explain which version from our book you used to start your tale from and then change. Why did you choose this version as your starting place?

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