English 1033 Obama’s remarks in South Africa you need to write about the instructions in the attachment . First you will choose a movie from your choice. T

English 1033 Obama’s remarks in South Africa you need to write about the instructions in the attachment . First you will choose a movie from your choice. Then will write about it following the instructions in the attachment please Directions: Obtain a (somewhat) lengthy article or speech
wherein the author/speaker puts forth an opinion, and write
an essay that explains how that author constructed his or her
argument for its intended audience. An informational news
article will not work well for this assignment. Almost any
opinion or editorial article from a newspaper or magazine
should work. You could select, for instance, an article discussing
the state of a particular sport or sports team, a review of a book,
movie, or album, or anything dealing with current political
issues—such as the Presidential primaries or candidates. If you
choose to analyze a speech, anything that is aiming to persuade
will work, such as President Obama’s gun control speech. I will
require you to include a hard copy of your source (if print), so
make sure it is a reputable one (i.e. Rolling Stone, New York
Times, Newsweek, etc.). If you cannot locate a review or
editorial, let me know and I will help you find something.
Specifically, I want you to:
1. Identify the thesis of the article. This is their purpose, or
goal, which you will need to be able to summarize before
2. Locate, examine, and discuss particular strategies that
the author employs you will then categorize these as
ethos, pathos, or logos appeals. You must offer at least
one example for each point on the rhetorical triangle, but
I encourage you to offer more, particularly if the author
uses one element more heavily than others. Even if you do
not see a writer putting much emphasis on one of the
elements, you should still address it as much as you are
able and perhaps also consider what effect its absence has.
3. Comment on the purpose and effectiveness of each of
those rhetorical strategies for the author’s intended
4. Use the appropriate paper format and utilize proper
grammar and punctuation.

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