English 104 Chapter 9 The Guardians Chapter 9: Definition arguments: The Guardians – Time Magazine’s 2018 Person of the Year You may read this chapter but

English 104 Chapter 9 The Guardians Chapter 9: Definition arguments: The Guardians – Time Magazine’s 2018 Person of the Year

You may read this chapter but I am veering off track for this assignment too and have created my own assignment.

Look at the irony of definition.

Tim magazine calls Journalists “The Guardians” and certain politicians (specifically 1) call them “Enemy of the people”

Watch my ppt on Fake News and then read Time Magazine’s article: The Guardians. The Guardians were neamed 2018 person of the year.

Who are the guardian?.

Choose 1 guardian that interests you specifically.

What were the consequences of real reporting for this guardian.

Why is it important to not only recognize fake news but to also counter it? Who or what does it affect?

Choose 1 sentence from that article that really spoke to you – this will be your golden sentence and then using my TLQs template (1st week modules) analyze that sentence. Tender Loving Questions
…to expand the conversation with sources
Dialectical Journals
Golden Line
Golden Line means a phrase or
sentence or group of sentences that
struck you as interesting, surprising,
key, or perhaps lines you would like to
hear others’ opinions about
Tender Loving Questions
Using my TLQs as a prompt build your
inference on the chosen Golden Line
Your Perspective on the Text
• What does this quote/idea/evidence mean,
in your view?
• Why do you find it significant?
Generating Inquiry & Discussion
• If what this source says/demonstrates is
true, what follows?
• What can you make of this information?
• What are the implications of what the
source raises?
Agree and Disagree
• What points raised by this source do you
want to affirm?
• What do you want to develop, complicate,
or take issue with?
Adding to the Conversation
• What is another example that illustrates
what this source says?
• What can you add to what this source has
already said?
Cohesion and Complexity
• Where could you refer back to this key
idea from your source later in your essay?
• How might you refine the idea you have
highlighted from your source later in your
Tender Loving Questions
…to expand the conversation with sources
Dialectical Journals
Golden Line
Golden Line means a phrase or
sentence or group of sentences that
struck you as interesting, surprising,
key, or perhaps lines you would like to
hear others’ opinions about
Tender Loving Questions
Using my TLQs as a prompt build your
inference on the chosen Golden Line
Your Perspective on the Text
• What does this quote/idea/evidence mean,
in your view?
• Why do you find it significant?
Generating Inquiry & Discussion
• If what this source says/demonstrates is
true, what follows?
• What can you make of this information?
• What are the implications of what the
source raises?
Agree and Disagree
• What points raised by this source do you
want to affirm?
• What do you want to develop, complicate,
or take issue with?
Adding to the Conversation
• What is another example that illustrates
what this source says?
• What can you add to what this source has
already said?
Cohesion and Complexity
• Where could you refer back to this key
idea from your source later in your essay?
• How might you refine the idea you have
highlighted from your source later in your

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