Fatal Fires in University and Colleges essay I was caught smoking so that I have to write a self-criticism paper. Research and review at least two fatal f

Fatal Fires in University and Colleges essay I was caught smoking so that I have to write a self-criticism paper.

Research and review at least two fatal fires that occurred on a college or university campus.

* Provide a brief description of the fires (i.e., what happened, who was involved, how did they start, what was the outcome, were the institutions held liable?).
* Would fire suppression devices (extinguishers, sprinklers) have helped in these fires?
* What changes, if any, did the schools you reviewed implement after the fire?
* Could the fires you reviewed happen at Northeastern? Why, or why not?
* What steps can Northeastern University take to avoid fires similar to the ones you researched? * How could your actions have played a role in something similar happening at Northeastern?

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