FBI’s Role of Protecting USA From Terrorism The role of the FBI is the nation’s lead federal law enforcement agency for investigating and preventing acts o

FBI’s Role of Protecting USA From Terrorism The role of the FBI is the nation’s lead federal law enforcement agency for investigating and preventing acts of domestic and international terrorism. It is the lead federal agency for investigating attacks involving weapons of mass destruction—those involving chemical, radiological, or biological agents or nuclear weapons. The FBI is also responsible for specific terrorism-related offenses, such as violence at airports, money laundering, attacks on U.S. officials, and others. The FBI also works closely with the Director of National Intelligence and other U.S. intelligence agencies to gather and analyze intelligence on terrorism and other security threats. It is the number one priority of the FBI to protect the U.S. and U.S. persons and interests around the world from terrorist attack (FBI 2018).Role of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) employs over 240,000 professionals dedicated to securing our borders, safeguarding aviation, responding to major disasters, defending our digital networks, and more. While the Department’s duties are extensive, the goal is clear: keeping America safe.The Department’s most vital role is to protect our nation against terrorism, both foreign and domestic. This includes confronting everything from global jihadists to violent white supremacists, who threaten U.S. safety and security from within our neighborhoods. Their violent rhetoric and hateful ideologies have no place in our society (DHS 2018).The FBI has a dual role as an intelligence agency and as the main federal law enforcement agency. If there is a reason for an investigation or arrest, I see the FBI is the one to come on a knocking. DHS has many other agencies that fall under their umbrella, but they all serve their purpose in protecting the US from terrorism.

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