G141/COM1002 Rasmussen Mod 3 Verbal & Non Verbal Messages Assignment Re-watch the movie from the Communication Practicum Project then select three 10 minut

G141/COM1002 Rasmussen Mod 3 Verbal & Non Verbal Messages Assignment Re-watch the movie from the Communication Practicum Project then select three 10 minute scenes (different from the previous week, where you looked at listening) and evaluate one 10 minute scene and focus on the Verbal Messages. Then focus on the second 10 minute scene and focus on the Non-Verbal Messages. Finally, evaluate the third scene and compare and contract Verbal Messages vs. Non-Verbal Messages.

Use the following hints to help you organize your work:

1. Briefly describe the scene, the characters and the situation.

2. Using quotes from the movie, analyze the language used. Use material from the book to help you break down the use of language.

3. Evaluate the body language, or non-verbal communication from the characters. Utilize at least 3 non-verbal elements from the reading.

4. Cite each element, and then explain how the non-verbal behavior was either effective or ineffective.

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