GCU Developmental Disabilities & Autism Spectrum Disorders Comparison Paper Allocate a total of 5.0 hours to complete this part of the Clinical Field Exper

GCU Developmental Disabilities & Autism Spectrum Disorders Comparison Paper Allocate a total of 5.0 hours to complete this part of the Clinical Field Experience.

Interview a school psychologist regarding assessments and assessment criteria that are used to identify autism spectrum disorder. Also inquire about the roles and responsibilities of teachers and school staff related to assessment and diagnosis for an individual suspected of having ASD, including what they do to reduce or eliminate bias in the administration and interpretation of the assessments.

Write a 750-1000-word essay that addresses the following;

Compare and contrast assessments and assessment criteria used to help identify ASD in children.
Describe the roles and responsibilities of teachers and staff in implementing and interpreting those assessments,
Describe what can be done to reduce or eliminate bias in the administration and interpretation of the assessments.

Cite information gleaned from the interview as well as three scholarly resources to support your claims.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

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