GEOG130 Human Development Index discussion Using ArcGIS Online, you’ll be mapping Human Development Index once finished with the mapping using ArcGis onlin

GEOG130 Human Development Index discussion Using ArcGIS Online, you’ll be mapping Human Development Index once finished with the mapping using ArcGis online, use screenshots of the mapping and upload them to word where the reflection questions will be going as well. make sure to include my username in the screenshots. GEOG 130 Online
Activity 1: Human Development Index
Please respond to the questions below in Part 2 and 3. Be sure to use a distinct font color or highlighting
of your responses so I can identify them within the document. Once completed, save your answers and
upload to Blackboard before the deadline.
Part 1: Log into your ArcGIS Online account

Use the ArcGIS Online link in the Blackboard menu (left side of the screen).
Do not create your own account! Use the login information I have given you in your Blackboard
o To log into your account:
▪ Username: please see this in the Blackboard gradebook under the item “ArcGIS
▪ Password: spring2019 (you can change this later if you’d like)
Once signed in, click on “Map” at the top of the screen
Today you’ll be adding a map of the Human Development Index (HDI), to do this:
o Click on the “Add” dropdown menu and select “Browse Living Atlas Layers”
o In the search box, type “Human Development Index” and then hit “Enter” on your
o In the results, select the “Human Development Index by country, 1980-2010 time
series” by clicking on the “+” symbol.
o Zoom out so you can see the entire world
o Click on the “Details” button in the upper left, and then click on “Legend” to see what
the different colors indicate.
o At the bottom of the map, click on the play button to view the map animation. You can
pause the animation at any point.
Part 2: Screenshots and mapping questions
To learn how to take screenshots using your computer (not your phone!), please click on the Blackboard
menu link “How to take screenshots”.
1. Pause the animation so that the first time frame is showing (1979-1984). Take a screenshot
using your computer of the map and paste it below. Take a screenshot of the entire map and
paste it below. Please include your user name in the screenshot (it’s in the upper right part of
the screen).
2. Still looking at the first time frame (1979-1984)
a. Click on a country with a low HDI value (purple) and record its information below. Give
the name of the country, the HDI value and year.
b. Click on a country with a high HDI value (green) and record its information below. Give
the name of the country, the HDI value and year.
3. Now pause the animation so that the last time frame is showing (2009-2014). Take a screenshot
of the entire map and paste it below. Please include your user name in the screenshot (it’s in the
upper right part of the screen).
4. Still looking at the last time frame (2009-2014)
a. Click on your same country from question 2a and record its information below. Give the
name of the country, the HDI value and year.
b. Click on your same country from question 2b and record its information below. Give the
name of the country, the HDI value and year.
Part 3: Reflection
Please response to the following in a few sentences.
1. Comment on the changes you observed for the countries you selected in questions 2 and 4 from
Part 2.
2. View the most current data for 2016 here: Report the
most current values for your two countries.
3. Comment on overall changes between the first time frame and the last time frame (questions 1
and 3 from Part 2). Which areas of the world experienced increases or decreases?
4. Read about how the HDI determined for a country here: Which values (indicators) are
used to create the HDI for a country?
5. Do you think the HDI is a good indication or measure of human wellbeing for different countries
in the world? Why or why not?

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