History HW Michael Hart’s Ranking of Isaac Newton DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: “NEW IDEAS” After looking over Michael Hart’s list of influential people, and read

History HW Michael Hart’s Ranking of Isaac Newton DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: “NEW IDEAS”

After looking over Michael Hart’s list of influential people, and reading RGH #4 in which he explains his ranking of Isaac Newton tell us what you think.

v Do you agree with Hart’s ranking of Newton? Why or why not?

v Which of his reasons make sense to you and which don’t?

After posting your own views, make sure to come back and read the views of your classmates so you can make a post in response.

For an “A” (9-10 pts. weekly): a discussion grade of “A” will require you to have all your postings completed before the deadlines (which are noted on the Calendar), demonstrate excellent knowledge and understanding of the readings, responses (be tactful and nice) and questions for your classmates, and at least two quality postings per week spread out over the entire discussion period. At least one posting each week should be in response to your classmates’ postings. Your views, opinions, thoughts, must be thoughtful and supported with appropriate information from the readings or videos. If you express an opinion try to support it with material from our readings and videos and indicate the page number, if appropriate, where you found the support.

Please use the image file to respond to the other student O
Patricia Amaro
At first I am not one to truly care for politics let alone religion, so when I saw “The
Most Influential People That Ever Lived” I automatically was expecting a list of
religious and political figures, last thing I was expecting was scientists. So to see
Newton second was interesting. So after reading why Hart placed his first three on
his list it really opened my eyes and I understand why. Muhammad essentially
created a religion and gained followers and helped Arabia expand. Where as
Newton was scientist who made major breakthroughs in science, math and physics
that helped shape what we know about it all today. Newton invented integral
calculus in just his mid twenties, which without would have made modern science
today impossible. Newton laid the foundation for the scientific theory, which
ultimately changed the world all together. Without Newton who knows how long it
would be until we made his discoveries where as with Jesus Christ, Christianity
was established before he was born and would have proceeded with or without
him. So I agree with Hart’s placement of Newton, overall a brilliant man and
without him we would not have nearly any of the things we take for granted
-Patricia Amaro
Matthew Hicks
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