HSA 3104 St. Petersburg A Vulnerable Person You have been learning about individuals who are considered vulnerable based upon specific physical, psychologi

HSA 3104 St. Petersburg A Vulnerable Person You have been learning about individuals who are considered vulnerable based upon specific physical, psychological, and social issues. I would like you to think of someone you know that is part of a vulnerable population. In at least 250 words:

Identify whether the issue is physical, psychological, or social.
Use an issue that is different than the one being discussed in your Vulnerable Population Paper.
Describe the impact this issue has made on the person’s overall health status.
What else does this person need to maintain good health.

-****Additional information

Please do not choose severe Mental Illness.

APA format for work cite used. Health Services Administration Discussion Forum Grading Rubric
Content (3)
Demonstrates accurate understanding and synthesis of
discussion concepts by:
• Meeting content standards
• Identifying relevant points and main ideas that are organized
and complete
• Providing accurate and relevant information highlighting an
understanding of material
• Demonstrating original thought and personal reflection in
relation to the concepts
• When appropriate providing evidence to support thoughts,
comments, and opinions (e.g., source citations)
Professionalism (1)
Demonstrates a commitment to academic integrity and
professional standards by:
• Meeting all discussion requirements completely
• Maintaining academic integrity
• Applying instructor feedback, when appropriate
• Posting information that is accurate and reflective of upper
level scholarly expectations
• Using professional language and terminology
Engagement (1)
Demonstrates active learning and accountability for success by:
• Interacting and collaborating with others in a professional
and respectful manner
• Building and promoting camaraderie and teamwork
• Being focused or relevant in participation
• Promoting further discussion by appropriate inquiry, adding
new facts, or insight
• Posting throughout the week
• Submitting postings on time

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