HSM476 MDL4 CSU Global Latinos Group Interviewing Discuss how informational interviewing serves as a form of field research. What information do you need o

HSM476 MDL4 CSU Global Latinos Group Interviewing Discuss how informational interviewing serves as a form of field research. What information do you need or want to obtain through an informational interview? Describe why you expect the agency you have selected to interview (see this weeks Critical Thinking Assignment) will be able to provide information that informs the needs of your research. How do you plan to approach the interview? How will this interview contribute to the research project for this course?_____________________________________________________________________________________________________DEAR WRITER, I HAVE ATTACHED THIS WEEKS CRITICAL THINKING ASSIGNMENT. MY CHOSEN CULTURAL GROUP IS LATINOS. I LIVE IN SAVANNAH, GA. Option #2: Interview Plan on Ethics and Cultural Competence
For this assignment you are evaluating cultural competence through the lens of ethics. You will present
a plan for interviewing an agency about an ethical situation with regard to cultural competence that the
agency has encountered and addressed.
Provide a brief description of an agency you could contact for your Portfolio Project Option #2. The
agency you select may be one you work for or another agency in your community.
Provide a list of the questions you intend to ask. Provide a sentence or two that justifies each question
you plan to ask in your interview. Consider the following in that process:
Why is it important to ask the question?
What is it that you want to accomplish and learn by asking the question?
Remember that an informational interview is brief—15 to 20 minutes at most. Make sure that your
questions are concise and get right to the goals of your project.
Your well-written plan should be two to three pages in length and formatted according to APA
Requirements. (Links to an external site.)

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