Human behavioral: Parenthood Film discussion All students will view the 1989 film “Parenthood’ starring Steve Martin (available on I-tunes and/or Netflix

Human behavioral: Parenthood Film discussion All students will view the 1989 film “Parenthood’ starring Steve Martin (available on I-tunes

and/or Netflix and at most libraries). Each member of the discussion group will identify one

character in the film and discuss the developmental stage the character is experiencing during the

film. This process will require the group to decide on which characters they will discuss prior to

beginning the project as to remove the possibility of two group members discussing the same

character. Included in the discussion will be the: (a) Significant Life Event & Developmental

Stage, (b) two risk factors, and (c) two protective factors. Appropriate rationale should be

included. Each member should utilize 100-200 words.

You can watch the movie here for free:

The character you will be discussing is Gerry Buckman which is the little brother of Julie Buckman. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns

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