Hydropower Renewable Energy Project Writing Assignment: Renewable Energy Project Suppose you are a city engineer whose job it is to explore how to use mor

Hydropower Renewable Energy Project Writing Assignment: Renewable Energy Project

Suppose you are a city engineer whose job it is to explore how to use more renewable energy in your locality.

Consider the resources in your city and select one of the following:
solar power
wind power
geothermal power
Prepare a pamphlet or multimedia presentation to convince a committee of citizens and local leaders that the renewable energy source you have selected is best for you locality. In your pamphlet or presentation include:
a discussion of the renewable energy source that is best for your town and why
a discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of this energy source
a discussion of why you think your city should use more of this energy source
how use of renewable energy will impact your city
pictures and/or charts and tables to strengthen your arguments

See the Renewable Energy Project Rubric for information on how your assignment will be graded.

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