IGED210 Quinoa and Celiac Disease essay I have post everything in work files please Check all them Feel free to ask at anytime Additional Websites for the
IGED210 Quinoa and Celiac Disease essay I have post everything in work files please Check all them
Feel free to ask at anytime Additional Websites for the Writing Process
IGED 210
Essay #1 Guidelines:
1. Type and double-space the essay. Use a standard typeface, such as Times New Roman,
in font size 12.
2. Essays must be at least 2 ½ full pages. Submissions that meet the minimum length
requirement will receive an automatic grade above “C-“.
3. Include quotations in each paragraph from at least two (2) sources, preferably from the
articles we have read in class.
4. Use either the MLA or APA format, but be consistent. Consult your handbook for MLA or
APA guidelines. Locate an online tutorial.
5. BRING a draft to class on the due date for peer review.
6. Submit the final essay to the professor during the next class period for scoring.
1. Select any article from our syllabus related to food and use two body paragraphs to agree or
disagree with its main points. Each of the body paragraphs must include quotations.
2. Write any persuasive essay related to food. Include quotations in each body paragraph.
3. People in some of the older generations owned homes and had amassed substantial savings
by the time they had reached their mid-30s. What combination of factors has made it
increasingly difficult for today’s young adults in their 20s and 30s to get soundly, financially
started in life? (Refer to the article “Generation Debt” by Tamara Draut)
Peer Review Guide Sheet for Essays
Peer Review Form
English with Dr. LL Reese Rogers
Peer Review of _____________’s Draft Essay
Peer Review Evaluation conducted by: ___________________________________________
Drafts should be at least 2 full pages!
DUE DATE: Drafts should be exchanged by the end of the designated Week (Sun). Peer
Critiques should be completed and returned to your Peer Critique partner by the end of
the following Week (Sun). If a Peer Critique is sent late the sender will incur a late
penalty on his or her own essay. Be sure to type your name for both the reviewer and the
writer at the top so you can both receive credit for having submitted your draft to be
reviewed (writer) and for reviewing a peer’s draft (reviewer).
To Peer Reviewer: Read the paper completely through before commenting. Then, re-read and
make notes on Draft using “Comments” if desired:
(Go to and click . A new menu appears on your screen.
Notice the yellow folder icon with the star above it. That is the “Comments” box.)
Or, simply type in comments in this critique sheet. If it is not clear which sentence is the thesis
statement, ask writer to identify it for you. Keep the thesis statement in mind as you read
through the essay.
1. Was the thesis (main point) clearly stated and easily identified? Yes ___ No ___
What is the main point or thesis statement of the draft essay? Restate in your own words.
2. Is the introductory paragraph fully developed based on the following criteria: (check all that
apply. Comment to writer if necessary.)
____ Thesis is stated with at least three elements to explore
____ Background info is provided so readers have information they need to follow topic
____ The introduction interests the reader
____ The introduction mentions the author, the name of the text, the time period or era of the
story (if relevant). Circle the items that are missing.
Peer Review Guide Sheet for Essays
3. Does each paragraph have a clearly focused topic sentence that expresses the main point of
the paragraph? To find out, identify the topic sentence in each paragraph.
Yes ___
No ___
Does each body paragraph focus on one single element of the thesis as it should?
Yes ___ No ___
Which paragraphs seem the dis-aligned with the thesis?
4. Do the other sentences in the paragraph support the topic sentence?
Yes ___
No ___
——————————————————————————————————————DETAILS, QUOTES, and TRANSITIONS
5. Are there enough details and quotes to support each important point? Yes ___ No ___
What are your suggestions to the writer to add additional details if needed?
6. Does the writer use transitional words and phrases to connect from one paragraph to the next
when needed? Yes ___ No ___
7. Does the writer use a wide range of sentence variety and interesting word choice?
Yes ___ No ___
—————————————————————————————————————FOCUS, ORGANIZATION, AND LOGIC:
8. Is the paper obviously off-topic throughout most of the writing? Yes ___ No ____
How do you think the writer can fix this problem?
9. Is the organization clear and easy to follow? Yes ___ No ___
If not, indicate what is confusing and/or not organized well.
10. Is the writer’s reasoning and logic clear? Yes ____ No ____
11. Where are there seriously flaws in the logic, if any?
Peer Review Guide Sheet for Essays
12. To your knowledge, is the paper free of serious grammatical problems? Yes ___ No ___
13. Which paragraphs have the most grammatical errors? ______________________
14. Which grammatical errors are the most common? Circle: Run-on sentences/ commas/
fragments/ verb tense/ subject-verb agreement/ others _______________________
15. Does the conclusion reiterate the importance of the writer’s thesis without simply restating it
word for word? Yes ___ No ___ N/A ___
16. Does the conclusion summarize the main points? Yes ___
No ___
17. Does the conclusion draw the essay to a satisfactory close? Yes ___
N/A ___
No ___ N/A ___
—————————————————————————————————————YOUR THOUGHTS . . .
18. What do you like about the draft? Pick out some interesting and powerful lines and point
them out below.
19. As a reader what do you see as the essay’s weaknesses if any and how could they be
select a topic for Essay #1
write a 2.5-page essay in response to the prompt
prepare the essay for peer review
conduct a peer review
Page 2 of 5
Pre-writing is what we do before we start to write the paper. Typically, the teacher may give you a topic, or
sometimes you are asked to find your own topic. In any case, you should find a way to make the topic your
own. You will write much better when you are excited about what you have to say. Remember, to write is to
1. Find something special to say! Ultimately, this will be your THESIS.
2. Brainstorm about your topic to find details, examples, or stories that illustrate your point. You may also
freewrite, draw pictures, read about your topic, or just talk to someone. This information will eventually
become your SUPPORT.
3. Outline your points so that they logically connect with each other. This is how you provide your paper
4. Check to make sure that all your points support your thesis, that you are not including irrelevant details.
This will provide your paper with UNITY.
5. Run through the paper in your head, following your outline, to see if it all makes sense and ultimately
makes a point. This is how to provide your paper with COHERENCE.
Writing is the simple step of putting your thoughts into written words. As you write, do not
think about later concerns, such as grammar or spelling, but simply let the language flow freely,
following the outline you created when Pre-writing. This stage should be quite enjoyable, if you
allow it to be. Play with the language, experiment with various word combinations, try out
metaphors and other forms of figurative language, and just let go! An important part of this
stage is frequently reading what you have written, so read, relax, and write.
When you have exhausted all you have to say, you are ready for the next stage, Revising.
Revising is the process of reviewing your paper, looking at it again with fresh eyes, and then
making changes.
One simple technique is to simply read your paper aloud. This is helpful when you are working alone. (If
you are taking an exam, you can whisper read your paper for the same effect.)
This is the time to proofread your paper carefully. Look for grammatical errors you are prone to make and
check your work using a style guide such as A Writer’s Reference or an Online Writing Lab such as the Purdue
Use the grammar checker wisely, not just following its suggestions, but making decisions based on what you
have learned and what you know about language.
Another method is to share your paper with others and have peer review. The reader should be honest and
free to give you constructive criticism, and you should be equally willing to accept the suggestions made,
though not necessarily agree to them all.
When you are satisfied that the paper is in good shape, you are ready to Publish your Paper.
Publishing your paper is the process of sharing your paper with people you don’t necessarily know, who
probably won’t have the opportunity to ask you questions. This is why we strive to make our writing as clear
as possible, anticipating a reader who will not be with us. There are many ways we publish our papers:
Submitting your paper to your teacher. Although you may know (or think you know) your teacher, he or
she will be reading your paper as a stranger would read it, trying to find points that are unclear to others, also
trying to anticipate the unknown reader. Our purpose in the academy is to add to the body of knowledge that
currently exists, so we are always trying to be truthful, clear, and complete,
Submitting your paper to an actual journal or publication. This is surprisingly easy to do, particularly
with so many online publications. If you have been writing on a topic of interest to you, there may be many
publications that share your interests and are looking for articles. Browse around the Internet to see what
publication opportunities exist.
Posting your paper in our Best Essays Discussion Board Forum. This is an easy way to get feedback on
your paper prior to submitting it elsewhere, and most of your classmates are an eager audience for what you
have to say. When you feel your paper is ready for posting, simply go ahead and post it there, with or without
your name.
Peer-to-Peer Teamwork Evaluation Rubric
Group Members’ Names
Total Score
Directions: Place the names of your group members on the lines above. Determine the number of
points that BEST describes how you would evaluate each of your peer’s participation in various
elements of the group project. (Use the boxes below to rate up to four of your group members, but
do not rate yourself.) Be honest in your evaluations: rewarding someone who did not fully
participate is dishonest. Add the points for each group member, and fill in the total next to each
person’s name at the top of this rubric. All group members’ scores will be averaged from each
evaluation sheet and recorded on your group’s grading sheet. (Example: If you receive an 18, 20,
and 13 from your group members, your score would average out to 17 out of 20 possible.)
5 points- strongly agree
4 points- very much agree
3 points- agree
2 points- somewhat agree
1 point- somewhat disagree
0 points- disagree
Group Members Listed by Numbers
This person helped the group work hard to meet the
group’s objectives as listed on the guidelines sheet.
This person completed their assigned work without
having to be re-directed by group members.
This person met the group’s deadlines.
This person listened to the other members’ ideas
and offered valuable, non-confrontational input.
Online Learning Academy 2013
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