Importance Of Childhood Friendship English Help 1. follow the structure. 2. 6 pages, not include the reference page. 3. read the assignment requirement c

Importance Of Childhood Friendship English Help 1. follow the structure.

2. 6 pages, not include the reference page.

3. read the assignment requirement carefully, (thank you)

Assignment 1:


Friends are an important aspect of development during the school years. Using memories of your own childhood think about a special friend that you had between the ages of 6 and 12 who was important to you. Describe this friendship with as much detail as possible including how old you were, and the circumstances of how you became friends. Think and write about…

The things that you enjoyed doing together
How the relationship fit into and effected your daily life
How you felt about this friend; how this friend made you feel about yourself.
Use UNDERSTANDING FRIENDSHIP by Gottman and Parker to analyze your the information you collected about your friendship based on the six functions of friendships that they describe. These are your themes.

Why are children’s friendships important? According to the work of Gottman and Parker (1997) children’s friendships serve six different functions: companionship, stimulation, physical support, social comparison, and intimacy/affection. The functions are described below.

COMPANIONSHIP provides children with a familiar partner and playmate, someone who is willing to spend time with them and join them in collaborative activities.
STIMULATION provides children with interesting information, excitement, and amusement. Through their friendships children learn about the world outside their own family and immediate environment. They develop new ideas and interests.
PHYSICAL SUPPORT provides the time to be with others, and the resources for engaging in interactions. Friends are readily available to assist and support us when needed.
EGO SUPPORT provides children with the emotional support and encouragement they need. We expect our friends to support us and give us feedback. This allows us to see ourselves as competent, attractive and worthwhile individuals in the world.
SOCIAL COMPARISON provides children with information about where they stand in relation to others. Through our friends we come to see the common struggles everyone goes through and we gain a sense of our place and abilities in relation to others.
INTIMACY AND AFFECTION provides children with a warm, close, trusting relationship with another individual in which they can disclose themselves safely. Intimacy in friendships is defined as “self disclosure and the sharing of private thoughts.” Research shows that intimate friendships many not appear until early adolescence.
Friendship Write UP Format

The Paper should be 12-inch font, double spaced and APA formatted for title page and document. It should be 5-10 pages long.


Using memories of your own childhood think about a special friend that you had between the ages of 6 and 12 who was important to you.

Describe this friendship with as much detail as possible including how old you were and the circumstances of how you became friends
Describe your friends Gender and Age
Cultural and ethnic background
Where your friendship took place

You should have a 1-2 paragraphs for this section.


Think and write about the things that you enjoyed doing together; how the relationship fit into and effected your daily life; how you felt about this friend; how this friend made you feel about yourself; and relate and use the six principle presented by Parker and Gottman 1987;1997), “Understanding Friendship” to analyze the information you collected on your childhood friendship.

You should have 4 or more paragraphs for this section.


Provide concluding remarks and summarize the paper. You should have a full paragraph for this section.

You should have 1-2 paragraphs for this section.


Provide reference citations


Dr. Ebesugawa

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