Interdisciplinary Teaching Lesson Plan On Current Event Assignment 3: Plan an interdisciplinary lesson that relates to acurrent event. Include in your plan

Interdisciplinary Teaching Lesson Plan On Current Event Assignment 3: Plan an interdisciplinary lesson that relates to acurrent event. Include in your plan:

A link to a news story about the current event
Name of all content area disciplines that you are using inyour plan and why you chose the other discipline as acorollary to your own. If you are a K-6 teacher, choosemore than one discipline, e.g. math and science or mathand art.
Learning Objectives with links to state standards. Standards addressed should reference your content areaat least one other content area as defined in item 2. (Youmay refer to EDTC 5200 or any other credible resourcesabout learning theory.)
Instructional strategies (remember to use high-yieldstrategies)
List of materials needed for the lesson
Assessment plan (include formative and summativeassessments. Formative assessment may be informal, e.g. questioning strategies during the warm-up.)
Homework, if assigned

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