IT 505 SNHU How to Set up Web Technology Tutorial Instructions Submit a presentation explaining information assurance needs, including risks associated wit
IT 505 SNHU How to Set up Web Technology Tutorial Instructions
Submit a presentation explaining information assurance needs, including risks associated with non-adherence to processes and describing countermeasures to mitigate risks, and two tutorials for setting the company website as the homepage and for enabling and disabling cookies.
Create two tutorials for Help Desk interns, describing how to set up web technologies for the new operating system for use with a specific web browser. Prepare one tutorial for setting the company website as the employees’ homepage. The second tutorial should describe how to enable and disable cookies.
For additional details, please refer to the Milestone Three Guidelines and Rubric document and the Final Project Guidelines and Rubric document. IT 505 Final Project Guidelines and Rubric
The final project for this course is an operating system upgrade implementation brief, containing three deliverables (a written report, an information assurance
presentation, and web-technology tutorials) to illustrate implementation of provided components of an operating system upgrade plan. Using the given scenario,
you will complete the implementation tasks as described for the operating system upgrade.
Course Outcomes
Assess the capabilities of basic computer networks in terms of scope and scale for their ability to address enterprise needs
Modify basic behaviors in computer programs to meet specified criteria
Employ fundamental practices for data storage and data retrieval systems that inform appropriate management of data within an enterprise
Manipulate basic web technologies for optimal use and function
Analyze fundamental components of information assurance practices to maximize the security of enterprise systems
Your final project will address the following scenario: You are a new employee at an IT help desk. The organization that you work for has computers that are due
for an operating system (OS) upgrade. Your supervisor has provided you with tasks needed to facilitate a smooth upgrade process. You will use the provided
elements to explain and illustrate the implementation of an operating system upgrade. You will write a report design a presentation and create two brief
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
Written Report:
Using the provided coding, determine modifications to the code in order to communicate to employees about the pending operating system upgrade
through a display on their desktop computer screen.
A. Identify five components of the code, indicating their role in programming. Be sure to address all five components.
B. Modify existing code to generate a new message to employees that informs them of the anticipated date for the upgrade. Use screenshots to
illustrate the working code before and after modification.
C. Describe the changes made and why they were necessary.
Using the provided illustration of the network configuration for the organization, give a detailed description of the computer network. The description
will be used by Help Desk staff to provide necessary support to employees.
A. Network Configuration – Explanation: Describe the configuration of the network, explaining the role of each component and connection.
B. Network Configuration – Evaluation: Describe the critical components that may be missing from the diagram, which are necessary for a network
to function properly. Provide a rationale for including the missing critical configuration components, based on the function of each missing
C. Describe how the network could be modified to address enterprise considerations. Consider modifications for increasing efficiency, scalability,
or expansion capabilities.
Using the provided database, create a database report and modify the appropriate components with information regarding the employees’ computers
and upgrade dates. Then, run the associated query to produce a report for Help Desk staff to aid them when communicating with employees.
A. Database Examination: For each table in the database, compare the datasheet view with the design view. Make sure to describe what each table
contains and any data types other than text.
B. Database Modification: Select the correct table and modify this table by creating a new data field with the appropriate data type required. Then
enter the appropriate upgrade information based on group number. Describe the steps you have taken to make these alterations.
C. Database Query: Run the appropriately named query and describe what data is being pulled. Discuss the links established between tables within
the query. How do the linkages between tables affect the ability to pull correct data? Explain. Screenshots may be used to support your claims.
Information Assurance Presentation:
Prepare a three-slide presentation explaining information assurance needs, including risks associated with non-adherence to processes, and
countermeasures to mitigate risks.
A. Information Assurance: Provide a description (one slide) of information assurance and associated needs for this upgrade
B. Risks: Explain the risks associated with non-adherence to information assurance processes (one slide) in this scenario
C. Countermeasures: Describe specific ways to address and mitigate risks associated (one slide)
Web-Technology Tutorials:
Prepare two one-page web-technology tutorials for setting the company website as the homepage and for enabling and disabling cookies.
A. Homepage: Create a one-page tutorial for setting the company website as the homepage for newly updated computers. Make sure to indicate
web browser specifications.
B. Cookies: Create a one-page tutorial for enabling and disabling cookies, including web browser specifications.
Milestone One: Programming Report
In Module Two, you will prepare and submit a report with the provided code modified to display a new message to the employees informing them about the
operating system upgrade. This milestone is graded with the Milestone One Rubric.
Milestone Two: Networking and Database Reports
In Module Five, you will prepare networking and database reports for the scenario provided. For the networking report, describe the network configuration,
explaining the role of each component and connection, following the diagram provided by your supervisor. Write a short description of any components you
think are missing from the network diagram and provide a potential rationale of why you think these components are critical to the network. Specifically, state
the functions of the components and how they contribute to the network. For the database report, modify the appropriate components of the provided
database with the information regarding the employees’ computers and the upgrade. The table containing the date of each computer’s upgrade should be
updated upon completion of this upgrade. The query identifying each employee’s upgrade date should be run. This will serve as the type of report that would be
given to Help Desk staff to communicate with employees. This milestone is graded with the Milestone Two Rubric.
Milestone Three: Information Assurance and Web Technologies Communications
In Module Seven, you will submit a three-slide presentation explaining information assurance needs, including risks associated with non-adherence to
processes and describing countermeasures to mitigate risks, and two one-page tutorials for setting the company website as the homepage and for enabling and
disabling cookies. This milestone is graded with the Milestone Three Rubric.
Final Submission: Operating System Upgrade Implementation Brief
In Module Nine, you will submit your operating system upgrade implementation brief. This should be a complete, polished artifact containing all of the
deliverables (written report, information assurance presentation, and web-technology tutorials). The final submission should reflect the incorporation of
feedback received and will be graded using the Final Product Rubric.
Programming Report
Networking and Database Reports
Information Assurance and Web
Technologies Communications
Final Product: Operating System
Upgrade Implementation Brief
Module Due
Graded separately; Milestone One Rubric
Graded separately; Milestone Two Rubric
Graded separately; Milestone Three Rubric
Graded separately; Final Product Rubric
Final Product Rubric
Guidelines for Submission: Written components of the project must follow these formatting guidelines when applicable: double spacing, 12-point Times New
Roman font, and one-inch margins.
Critical Elements
Code: Components
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
applies appropriate IT
terminology in explanation
Comprehensively explains the
programming role for the five
identified components in the
Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
explanation is supported with
specific examples to support
Correctly modifies existing
code to generate a new
message displayed through
screenshots, illustrating the
code before and after
Comprehensively explains the
changes made to the original
code and why the changes
were necessary
Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
the connections drawn between
components are exceptionally
Explains the configuration of
the network, including the role
of each component and
Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
justification is well-developed,
defining possible interactions
with current components
Evaluates the diagram for
missing critical components,
giving justification for why
these components are
functionally necessary to a
Code: Modification
Code: Description
Needs Improvement
Explains the programming role
for the five identified
components in the code, but
explanation lacks clarity or
includes inaccuracies
Modifies existing code, but code
is inaccurate or modifications
are not illustrated through
Not Evident
Does not explain the
programming role for five
components in the code
Does not modify the existing
Explains the changes made to
the original code, but does not
provide details about why the
changes were necessary, or
explanation lacks detail
Explains the configuration of the
network, but does not address
the role of each component and
connection or explanation is
inaccurate or lacks in detail
Evaluates the diagram for
missing critical components, but
does not give justification for
why these components are
functionally necessary to a
network, or evaluation is
inaccurate or lacks in detail
Does not explain the changes
made to the original code
Does not explain the
configuration of the network
Does not evaluate the diagram
for missing critical components
Database: Query
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
demonstrates an insightful
awareness of enterprise
technology needs
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
clearly articulates the
interrelationships between the
two views
Describes how the network
could be modified to address
enterprise considerations
Compares the datasheet view
to the design view of a table
within the database, describing
the contents and data types
Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
explanation includes additional
attributes providing further
Comprehensively explains the
steps taken to modify a table
through the creation of a new
data field
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
provides evidence to support
Describes the query results and
the links established between
tables within the query, and
how they affect the ability to
pull correct data
Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
presentation slide is visually
Provides a brief description of
information assurance and the
information assurance needs
associated with this operating
system upgrade
Describes how the network
could be modified to address
enterprise considerations, but
description is cursory
Compares the datasheet view to
the design view of a table within
the database, but does not
describe both the contents and
data types or comparison lacks
Explains the steps taken to
modify a table through the
creation of a new data field, but
explanation is not
comprehensive, or the
explanation contains
Describes the query results, but
does not address the links
established between tables
within the query or does not
address how they affect the
ability to pull correct data, or
description contains inaccurate
or unclear details
Provides a brief description of
information assurance, but does
not include the information
assurance needs associated with
this operating system upgrade,
or the description is inaccurate
or lacks detail
Does not describe how the
network could be modified to
address enterprise
Does not compare the
datasheet view to the design
view of a table within the
Does not explain the steps
taken to modify a table through
the creation of a new data field
Does not describe the query
Does not provide a brief
description of information
Presentation: Risks
Tutorials: Homepage
Tutorials: Cookies
Articulation of
Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
presentation slide is visually
Indicates risks associated with
non-adherence to information
security processes in this
Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
strategies are realistic and
supported by reliable evidence
of success
Describes appropriate
mitigation strategies for
addressing risks associated with
this operating system upgrade
Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
directions are clear and
universally consumable
Provides detailed instructions
for setting the company website
as the homepage for newly
updated computers, including
web browser specifications
Provides detailed instructions
for enabling and disabling
cookies, including web browser
Submission has no major errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
directions are clear and
universally consumable
Submission is free of errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, and
organization and is presented in
a professional and easy-to-read
Indicates risks associated with
non-adherence to information
security processes, but misses
key components or does not
connect them to this scenario
Describes mitigation strategies
for addressing risks, but they are
not associated with this
operating system upgrade or
they are not appropriate
Provides instructions for setting
the company website as the
homepage for newly updated
computers, but instructions are
not accurate or lack detail
Provides instructions for
enabling and disabling cookies,
but instructions are not accurate
or lack detail
Submission has major errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
that negatively impact
readability and articulation of
main ideas
Does not explain risks
associated with non-adherence
to information security
Does not describe mitigation
strategies for addressing risks
Does not provide instructions
for setting the company
website as the homepage for
newly updated computers
Does not provide instructions
for enabling and disabling
Submission has critical errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
that prevent understanding of
IT 505 Milestone Three Guidelines and Rubric
You are a new employee at an IT help desk. The organization that you work for has computers that are due for an operating system (OS) upgrade. Your
supervisor has provided you with components of the implementation plan to carry out in order to facilitate a smooth upgrade process in each department.
For Milestone Three, you will prepare and submit a three-slide presentation explaining information assurance needs including risks associated with nonadherence to information assurance processes, and countermeasures to mitigate risks. You will also prepare two one-page tutorials. The first tutorial is for setting
the company website as the homepage and the second for enabling and disabling cookies.
Guidelines for Submission: The slide presentation should consist of three slides using Microsoft PowerPoint. Written components of project must follow these
formatting guidelines when applicable: double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. The tutorials should be one page in length.
Critical Elements
Assurance – Access
Exemplary (100%)
Meets “Proficient“ criteria and
provides specific examples to
substantiate description
Proficient (90%)
Provides a slide with a
description of information
Assurance – Risks
Meets “Proficient“ criteria and
provides specific examples to
illustrate risks
Provides a slide explaining the
risks associated with nonadherence to information
security processes
Assurance –
Meets “Proficient“ criteria and
uses specific examples to
support countermeasure use
Provides a slide describing
countermeasures to mitigate
information security risks
Instructions: Set
Meets “Proficient“ criteria, and
the tutorial indicates the
optimal settings for use and
Meets “Proficient“ criteria, and
the tutorial indicates key
considerations for enabling and
disabling cookies
Provides a tutorial for setting
the company website as the
homepage for newly updated
Provides a tutorial for enabling
and disabling cookies
Instructions: Cookies
Needs Improvement (70%)
Provides a slide describing
information assurance;
however, it is not accurate or
lacks important detail
Provides a slide explaining the
risks associated with nonadherence to information
security processes; however,
description lacks clarity or is
not accurate
Provides a slide describing
countermeasures to mitigate
information security risks;
however, description is limited
or is not accurate
Provides a tutorial, but it is
missing significant information
Provides a tutorial for enabling
and disabling cookies, but
instructions lack detail or are
Not Evident (0%)
Does not provide a slide
describing information
Does not provide a slide
describing the risks associated
with non-adherence to
information security processes
Does not provide a slide
describing the risks associated
with non-adherence to
information security processes
Does not provide a tutorial for
setting company website as the
homepage for newly updated
Does not provide a tutorial for
enabling and disabling cookies
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