IT210 CIO Memo DevOps Foundation Certification You work in an IT organization and your boss has suggested that you work towards a certification in your fie

IT210 CIO Memo DevOps Foundation Certification You work in an IT organization and your boss has suggested that you work towards a certification in your field (DevOps Foundation Certification). The boss (the CIO) has asked you to provide her with details of the certification, how much it will cost, and how the company will benefit from you having this certification.

Write a memo to your boss, Joanna Peters, Chief Information Officer (CIO), providing her with the necessary information, assuming that the company will pay for reasonable expenses.

Your request must be as a formal memo to the CIO with a copy to Human Resources (Amy Johns) and must cover:

The details of the certification with a link to the official website
A description of how you would prepare for the certification, how long would it take and any associated costs (books, training, etc.)
A discussion of the type of certification exam, where it is taken, and how much it will cost
A description of the benefits be to the IT organization
An estimate of the total expenses to be incurred and a request for the company to cover these expenses
Details of how you would communicate the information that you have obtained from the certification to other members of the staff when you have earned the certification.

Your memo should be well written and formatted, using a persuasive style of writing. It should have a good title so the CIO can know what it is about.

It needs to be easy to read, written in complete sentences with good grammar, have a good introductory paragraph. cover the six topics above, and have a good ending paragraph with a date by which a response is due for you to get started.

It must show that you have fully researched the certification, made a realistic estimate of the costs to be incurred (itemizing individual components of the cost), and have justified the value to the organization.

Cite all sources that you have used to gather this information

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