knowledge about the role of culture

For this assignment, you will be writing a reflection paper on one of the following TED talks. In the Self Reflection assignment, examine the effect of your assumptions and knowledge about the role of culture or your everyday interactions with others from a different culture, religion, or socio-economic group. While the reflection is subjective, the paper should be an integration of your experience and the course readings.

Bird, J. (2017, June). Jackson Bird: How to talk (and listen) to transgender people [Video file]. Retrieved from

Chang, J. & Dazols, L. (2015, May). Jennie Chang and Lisa Dazols: This is what LGBT life is like around the world [Video file]. Retrieved from

Dreger, A. (2010, December). Alice Dreger: Is anatomy destiny? [Video file]. Retrieved from

Ntaiya, K. (2012, October). Kakenya Ntaiya: A girl who demanded school [Video file]. Retrieved from

Spack, N. (2013, November). Norman Spack: How I help transgender teens become who they want to be [Video file]. Retrieved from

Wright, I. (2012, November). iO Tillet Wright: Fifty shades of gay [Video file]. Retrieved from









After referring the TED talk, respond to the following questions.

What does the speaker’s experience mean to you?

What 5 theories or course concepts help you to understand your experience?

What you have learned from the experience?

How might you move forward from this point?

How might the experience affect your thinking and practice?

How can you apply these new ideas in the future?

Identify 3 opportunities for future growth or engagement.

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