Management Effective Leadership CRAAP Test Research the answer to the following question: What makes a good leader? First, review the CRAAP Test Link htt

Management Effective Leadership CRAAP Test Research the answer to the following question:

What makes a good leader?

First, review the CRAAP Test Link Specifically, watch the video and familiarize yourself with the resources at the bottom of the webpage.
Review two resources utilizing an internet search.
Take about 10 minutes and evaluate both resources.

Using the discussion question template below, answer the following questions. This is a senior level course so I expect much more than one or two sentences. You need to support your answers. Note your evaluations on the using the tools from the web. Be sure to include your sources in your document. Use APA formatting:

What did you learn about leadership?
What did you learn that built upon what you already know about evaluating sources?
How might you use some of these strategies to ensure that in the future, you evaluate sources effectively? Date:
Please put the question and your answer to each assigned discussion question below. Watch
your grammar, spelling, and formatting. Remember, business professional (which means
delete these instructions before beginning).

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