MIS 690 GCU Week 1 – Business Problem Statement For this assignment, you will use the “Business Problem Statement” template (Attached Below) to organize yo

MIS 690 GCU Week 1 – Business Problem Statement For this assignment, you will use the “Business Problem Statement” template (Attached Below) to organize your problem statement. This will help you identify your business problem you will eventually address using analytics. The business problem statement will be an integral component of the remaining activities in this course.Ensure that data are available to address your business problem. You will need to provide your dataset as a part of the Topic 3 assignment. If data are used from your company, ensure that proprietary concerns are addressed or approvals to use the data are obtained. If company data are being used and if there are concerns of proprietary issues, you can change your dataset accordingly.APA style is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

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