Monroe’s Motivated Sequence: Ted Talks Analysis Analyzing TED Talk Speeches (do 5 speeches at 20 points per) – Choose any Informative or Persuasive TED or

Monroe’s Motivated Sequence: Ted Talks Analysis Analyzing TED Talk Speeches (do 5 speeches at 20 points per) – Choose any Informative or Persuasive TED or TEDx Talk speech. (No credit will be given for performances or other types of talks.) Watch the speech and analyze it using all the criteria for evaluating a persuasive or informative speech (use the appropriate rubric from your class handbook).Score each speech, by giving it a numerical score for each criteria on the appropriate rubric, and writing at least one sentence per line item, describing why you gave the score you did. At the end of your paper, give the overall speech a grade based on the criteria you used for the evaluation and write a decently developed paragraph summing up the strengths and weaknesses of the speech.A well-done speech evaluation is worth up to 20 points. Poorly done evaluations, or those missing evaluation criteria will lose points, and may even receive a zero. (Maximum value = 100 points.)I have added the rubric below to use to know what to analyze. I have also added a PowerPoint that you will need follow the steps by. First – Review the content in this module on Monroe’s Motivated Sequence.
1. Find a persuasive Ted Talk, a TV commercial, or an infomercial that employs Monroe’s
Motivated Sequence. [Don’t use any of the examples already provided in the powerpoint – and
don’t use the Snuggie commercial (because EVERYONE used to choose that one). Monroe’s
Motivated Sequence is everywhere! Find a good example] = 5 points
2. *Embed* your video example into your post, and write 250 words or more, discussing how
persuasive your example is, and exactly how it uses each of the five steps: (Attention, Need,
Satisfaction, Visualization, Action). = 15 points
3. Always keep your reader in mind when you write. *Be sure* to clearly emphasize (bold,
underline or ALL CAPS) each step in Monroe’s Motivated Sequence, and give each section
it’s own paragraph so that it is immediately evident that you have covered each of the five
MMS components. Do not make us read through a long, dense, poorly-formatted
paragraph to determine whether or not you have met the criteria of this assignment. = 5
Monroe’s Motivated Sequence:
The Psychology of Persuasion
How Do I Give A Persuasive
Key factors include:
= putting together a strong message
= delivering it in the right sequence
Hey! Listen to me, you have a PROBLEM!
How Do I Get the Audience’s
= a detailed story
= a shocking example
= a dramatic statistic
= a quotation
= humor
Anything that will get the audience to sit up and take
Tell them who you are, and why they should listen.
Let me EXPLAIN the problem!

It’s not just any problem.
What’s happening right now isn’t good enough-and it needs to change!
In this step, you should develop logical
arguments, backed by evidence.
How to Show There is a Convincing
● Use statistics to support your statements.
● Talk about the consequences of maintaining the
status quo and not making any changes.
● Show your audience how the problem directly
affects them.
= In this step, you want to make the audience feel
uncomfortable and restless, ready to do something
that you recommend.
But, I have the SOLUTION!
In this step, you present your plan
for a solution to the problem.
How Do I Define the Solution?
● Clearly state what you want the audience to do or
● Give a step-by-step plan and how it will solve the
● Use examples, testimonials, and statistics to prove
the effectiveness of your solution.
● Prepare counter-arguments to anticipated
If we IMPLEMENT my solution, this
is what will happen. Or, if we don’t
implement my solution, this is what
will happen.
In this step, you give your audience a sense of
what it would be like if your solution were or
were not adopted.
How Do I Describe a Picture
of Success (or Failure)?
= Describe what the situation will look like if the
audience does nothing.

The more realistic and detailed the vision, the
better it will create the desire to do what you
= Help them see the benefits.
● Make sure your vision is believable and realistic.
= You can help me in this specific way. Will
you help me?
Tell the audience what action they can personally take.
● what specific things they can do to solve the
What Do You Want the
Audience to Do?
= Tell the audience what action they can
personally take.

specific things to do to solve the problem
= Take action!
Monroe’s motivated sequence anticipates the
audience’s questions in radio or TV

Who are you and what do you want?
Is there a problem here?
What can I do about it?
What is in it for me?
What do you want me to do?
ProActive’s Justin Beiber

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