Motivation and its Correlations to Students Success at ASU Proposal Part 3. All instructions are attached in the document. The sample needs to be changed t

Motivation and its Correlations to Students Success at ASU Proposal Part 3. All instructions are attached in the document. The sample needs to be changed to a bigger size )10 teachers and 30 students) Example
Motivation and its correlation to student’s success in ASU
Student’s name:
Institutional affiliation:
Table of contents
Introduction …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3
Background and significance of the topic ……………………………………………………………………….. 5
Objectives and aims of the study……………………………………………………………………………………. 8
Topic and variables of the study ……………………………………………………………………………………. 9
Hypotheses …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 9
Research design …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 9
Data collection methods ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 10
Summary of the implication and importance of the topic ………………………………………………… 11
Ethical considerations ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 11
Research study risks …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 12
Informed consent procedure ………………………………………………………………………………………… 13
Privacy……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 14
Anonymity and confidentiality…………………………………………………………………………………….. 16
References ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 17
Motivation and its correlation to student’s success in ASU
1. Introduction
Motivation describes internal self-drive that allows persistence and determination in ways
of doing things (Frankfort-Nachmias et al., 1505-1506). Learning process entails personal
commitment and discipline in following outlined procedures to attain success. Students suffer
from management issues and thus may miss the mark when evaluated on the level of success
attained. Thus identification of external motivation forces is vital for the achievement of the
competitive advantages required. To obtain the goal of education and assure success,
environmental and personal variables should be analyzed and measurements of the levels of
achievements determined.
According to previous studies, conducive buildings, clean and silent environment can
influence learners to concentrate on their studies. Therefore evaluation of different levels of
influence that the environment poses among Arizona State University (ASU) students will be the
first identification of success variables. Secondly, the ability to understand students, problemsolving skills and organization of tutors have been found to motivate learners. However, the
variables differ from one environment to another and thus research on the exact variables that
can trigger students to learn is essential for ASU students. This will enable the attainment of key
objectives of learning in this institution (Krasstuber, Carr & Hosken, 212-222).
From the identification of variables responsible for academic success, the measurement
of success attained is important. Thus identification of measurements is important. Among the
success measurement variable is personal commitment and dedication towards success this will
work in line with the stakeholder perspective of improving the value of education among
students through improving performance in both class assignments and examinations. In
analyzing this variable, aspects such as the ability to form effective groups for handling
assignments, individual’s urge to plan and manage time within learning hours, as well as
effective time management in tackling assignments, will be applied to measure the ultimate
success in education. Combining the success variables under accurate evaluation of performance
rates will not only improve students’ performance in class work but also contribute to emotional
development and preparation for professional roles at work.
According to the planned study, the formulated hypothesis will be an individual success
is influenced by self-motivation. This will entail analyzing different variables, their results, and
impacts among students at the college. The environmental variables that will be analyzed during
the study will include the influence of buildings, levels of noise and cleanliness will help in
determining concentration and motivation among students (Feldt, 100-102). According to
previous studies, the learning environment has a contribution to enhance focus in learners thus
resulting in minimal destructions from the environment and enable learners to be creative.
Students will provide opinions based on how their tutors offer understanding, problem-solving
techniques, and organization at the workplace that has motivated them. With the objective of
finding a correlation between motivation and success, the students’ problem will be addressed.
Data collected from the study will be collected through surveys and interviews. In this
case, well-structured questionnaires will be issued to the participants to answer open-ended
questions since opinion will be tested in some areas. On the other hand, face to face interviews
with participants who require privacy will be conducted as well as focused group discussions that
will seek to address student motivation variables. Observations on different trends of
performance will also be carried out across all classes with a comparison between genders at
different learning levels. To present the findings, charts and graphs will be drawn as well as
audio recordings and taking photos of some aspects.
To ensure that the collected information is accurate and addresses the study objective,
answers the research question and meets the intended goals, the training of researchers will be
necessary. Data collection and analysis techniques will be one to impart knowledge that will
enhance getting motivational aspects among the students. Consequently, the process will ensure
ethical considerations and use of acceptable language that encourages active participation among
the study group. Privacy and confidentiality of collected information will be ensured while the
final findings will be submitted to relevant academic departments for implementations. At the
end of the study, data collected will be presented to the analyzing team to draw conclusions on
the variables (Daley & Frank, 512-515). Data interpretation will be conducted under trained
personnel as well as employing tools to be used in calculating numbers and figures to obtain the
actual numbers in each cohort. This conclusion will be used in making adjustments in learning
activities to solve the success dilemma that has been in question among the students.
Background and significance of the topic
Obtaining an education is an accomplishment. The knowledge from an education enables
power. But what is it that causes students to get up and go to school and succeed while others do
not? There are many reasons as to why students choose to go to college, but the main reason is
motivation. Motivation is what pushes the students to do school and it is motivation that keeps
students to complete their degree. Having motivation is very important because it pushes people
to achieve goals and succeed in life and without it, people simply give up. However, the
motivation just does not come out of nowhere to people. There is always is a reason why people
get motivated in the first place and as I researcher it is my job to discover where that desire
comes from in students and how Arizona State University helps students to achieve that
motivation. According to the Communication Education article, college satisfaction plays an
important role on student’s success such as quality of teaching, level of motivation, and campus
programs (Kranstuber, 2012).
As a researcher, I want to learn what causes motivated students to succeed at ASU and
what can be done to help those that are struggling to either go to college or complete the degree
without dropping out. Of course, many students will drop out if they do not have the motivation/
desire to stay but there is more to it. Students want to feel special when they chose ASU. They
want to know that the counselors/advisors will help every step of the way and that they will have
all the resources they need. It is common for students not to go to college because of lack of
finance, or not wanting to take loans due to high interest rates, understandably. It is also common
for students to drop out because the amount of studying is too much to handle on top of working.
Having those issues is what causes students to lose motivation or maybe, they are not motivated
enough to begin with because they do not know where to start. According to the College
Quarterly journal, students are searching for their identity and what they want to do in life and
therefore struggle what course or program to choose (Daley & Frank 2010). I want to see how
ASU is helping those students to find the right fit for them and how they help when it comes to
finance or stress. According to Psychological Reports, many students experience stress when
entering college due to adjustment or difficult life situations (Feldt, 2008).
When doing my research, I expect to find what gives students the motivation to succeed
in school and how ASU helps those students to succeed. I want to research what it is that ASU
does that helps students to stay motivated and wanting to succeed at this college. Does
motivation come from wanting to have a good career? Does motivation come from wanting to
get a higher degree? Or does motivation come from wanting to earn good GPA? Everyone has
their goals for wanting to complete education. Some students succeed in school because career
goals, others want to succeed because of great earnings in the future, and some work hard in
school so they can get more than one degree. Those goals are great examples of motivation
because having set up goals brings people desire to do well in school.
When considering research ethics, a potential risk that may occur is not enough
information from students and teachers. My sample only includes five teachers and three
students which are not enough to make a conclusion on the entire population of ASU. I will only
have enough information based on a small sample. My research will not have informed consent
because their involvement is completely voluntary and it does not have any risks to them
volunteering to answer some questions. Although there aren’t any risks that will affect
participants, I will explain to participants that my research is completely confidential and any
personal information will be anonymous. It is important that the students are aware of the fact
that none of their personal information will be released. I will not need to ask their names, nor
where they live. My research requires five students and three teachers that will volunteer to
answer necessary questions as to what motivates them to succeed in ASU. Some of the things
that they will provide are sex, age, race, goals, and current GPA. I want to see how different
students do in school and if race, sex, or age plays a role in student’s success. For example, is a
40 year old woman or man are more determined to succeed in University than a 21 year old?
Does it have anything to do with a life experience and where they are in life? Those details I will
ask during interview in order to get a deeper understanding. Even though the participants will
provide their sex, race, and gender, however, the participants will not provide their names,
driving license, or any other personal information that identifies their identity. There will be no
reward at the end of the survey; this entire research is based on anonymity and voluntarism. My
goal is to simply ask participants to help me with a research and their participation will help me
make accurate conclusions. If desired, I will share the overall results with my participants when
all the answers are collected and written.
Objectives and aims of the study
The goal of this research is to learn what keeps students motivated in order to succeed at
Arizona State University whether it is the amount of programs that’s available, or convenience of
studying online, or/and the help from counselors/advisers/professors that help students to
My main focus for the research is Undergraduate students that are close to completing
their degree and teachers that teach at those Universities. My target population is Arizona State
University students and University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) students. I want to
research how students are doing in college, what resources they use that helps them to succeed,
and what their goals are. The reason I want to interview students from another university is
because I would like compare what Universities are doing in order to help their students to
succeed. Does Arizona State University have more programs that help students than UCLA? Are
Professors at ASU are more attentive towards their students? Naturally, my ideal sample would
be the entire ASU population; however, because of limited time and resources, I will only have
eight participants (five students and three teachers). I will use a random selection as to what kind
of sample I will interview. I will target students of different ages, race, and gender, possibly,
three White and two Hispanic students. This is the ideal sample because I will have a different
type of answers and seeing if the gender or age plays a role in those answers. Also, my research
is based on success in University and the best way to find out why students succeed in colleges is
by asking the students themselves and Professors because they’re the ones teaching and
interacting with students on daily basis.
Topic and variables of the study
The topic of this research is “Motivation and its correlation to student’s success in ASU”.
Motivation is a core determinant of success in any human field and this study will research to
find out what motivates students at ASU, considering that motivation is a precursor to academic
success. Three core variables will be used.

Two variables that predict academic success
GRIT – this is the individual perseverance, determination and passion in
achieving a goal.

School-activity attendance rate.
One variable to measure academic success
The Grade Point Average (GPA) will be sued as the main variable to
measure academic success.
This research will operate on two core hypotheses.
Students with GRIT perform better than those that lack resilience and
Students with higher school-activity attendance rate will perform better
than those that miss out on many activities.
Research design
The research design that I will be using is a cross-sectional design that is very common
design that’s used in survey research (Frankfort, Nachmias, & DeWaard, 2015). I will be asking
different questions from the participants such as their age, race, goals, and so on. This study will
help me summarize and organize my results. For example, I may have 50% of White students
said that future career is what motivates them to succeed in college, and perhaps other 50% said
their motivation comes from wanting to have high GPA. This is just an example and I will have
more accurate results after interviewing participant and do a survey research. Some of the
challenges that may occur when doing a research are finding the target students to interview. My
goal is to have at least two Hispanic students and there is a possibility that those students will not
want to volunteer to do any studies. I will overcome these challenges by finding a different race
group in that University. For example, I might ask two Asian students to participate, or two
African American students. Another reason why I will be using a cross-sectional design is
because all my data will be collected all at one point. The reason why I’m doing this type of
design is because I want to collect results quickly and there is no need to use longitudinal design
since my target will be participants that are one semester away from graduating. My data
collection will happen via phone and on campus. The reason why I have to do phone calls is
because some participants live far away and are harder to interview in person due to location.
The other half of participants are easier to interview on campus because of close location and
face-to-face interviews help to collect information in more details.
Data collection methods
The data that I will be collecting will be based on the surveys and interviews from
students and teachers. The best way to find out what brings motivation and success to students at
ASU is by asking letting them answer it themselves. My written survey will consist of ten
questions regarding student’s goals in life and I will interview at least five students and three
teachers and ask them more detailed questions about motivation and success in college.
Summary of the implication and importance of the topic
2. Ethical considerations
Ethics is an active element in any research. Research guidelines and requirements
necessitate that all researchers undertake effective ethical measures and guidelines to remain safe
from the law. Ethical procedures are put in place to limit researchers from taking advantage of
their role in the research to exploit participants or use the research for their own selfish gains.
Ethical guidelines are also out in place to protect research participants as well as guarantee that
the findings of research are reliable and dependable. Ethics helps to boost respect and trust
among researchers, as well as ensure that the behavior of researchers is in accordance to the
norm. The core ethical issues that need to be addressed in research include confidentiality, social
responsibility, intellectual property, non-discrimination, objectivity, honesty, and many others.
Interviewing process among students entails interactions with individuals with different
beliefs and cultures. Since the process will entail the provision of personal opinion on motivation
variables within the environment as well as the tutors, ethical considerations will be important to
enable collection of the intended information. On the other hand, considerations on associated
risks and consequences that may be faced by both interviewer and the interviewee will be
provided to offer precautionary measures. Informed consent will help in answering the question
that provides the objectives, risks, and goals of the study while collected data will require
different levels of confidentiality. On the other hand, a copy of informed consent will be issued
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