Onboarding and Employee Engagement Onboarding and Employee EngagementA mistake that is made in many organizations is that once new a new employee accepts t

Onboarding and Employee Engagement Onboarding and Employee EngagementA mistake that is made in many organizations is that once new a new employee accepts the job and completes orientation, the onboarding process is complete. To ensure new employees are acclimated and successful, the organization must have an effective onboarding process. After reading Onboarding Done Right: New Hire Engagement Is the Key (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site., take on the role of Talent Coordinator, and describe three critical components essential to a successful onboarding process. Evaluate what issues could cause onboarding and employee engagement efforts to fail.Your initial post must be a minimum of 300 words. Support your plans with the discussion article and at least one other scholarly and/or credible source.

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