OPS571 University of Phoenix Yahoo Operational Model Presentation pick any large company that is struggling (ex Sears) if you cant find any then pick googl

OPS571 University of Phoenix Yahoo Operational Model Presentation pick any large company that is struggling (ex Sears) if you cant find any then pick google or target for example. provide a slide for references and please leave plenty of foot notes. i attached the assignment and grading rubrics Operations Consulting Grading Guide
OPS/571 Version 7
Operations Management
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Operations Consulting
Grading Guide
OPS/571 Version 7
Individual Assignment: Operations Consulting
Purpose of Assignment
The purpose of this assignment is for students to learn how to develop an Operations Consulting proposal.
Resources Required
Microsoft® PowerPoint®, Operations and Supply Chain Management: Ch. 25
Not Met
Not Met
Choose a business in the media which is
having difficulties with its operating model or
one which is struggling in your community.
Evaluated how all or some of the items from
the Operations Consulting Tool Kit could help
this business get back on track.
Determined the resources and data needed to
deploy an operations consulting engagement
with this business.
Developed a business case (including
financial benefits) on how operations
consulting can have a positive impact on the
Developed a 10- to 15-slide Microsoft®
PowerPoint® presentation of an operations
consulting engagement proposal to the Chief
Operating Officer and CEO of the target firm.
Presentation Guidelines
The presentation is laid out with effective use
of headings, font styles, font sizes, and white
Intellectual property is recognized with in-text
citations and a reference page.
The presentation includes an introduction and
conclusion that preview and review major
Major points are stated clearly; are supported
by specific details, examples, or analysis; and
are organized logically.
Operations Consulting
Grading Guide
OPS/571 Version 7
Presentation Guidelines
Not Met
Rules of grammar and usage are followed
including spelling and punctuation.
Assignment Total
Additional comments:
Purpose of Assignment
The purpose of this assignment is for students to learn how to develop an operations consulting
Assignment Steps
Resources: Operations and Supply Chain Management: Ch. 25, Microsoft® PowerPoint®
Choose a business in the media having difficulties with its operating model or one which is
struggling in your community.
Evaluate how all or some of the items from the Operations Consulting Tool Kit in Operations and
Supply Chain Management could help this business get back on track.
Determine the resources and data you will need to deploy an operations consulting engagement
with this business.
Develop a business case including financial benefits on how operations consulting can have a
positive impact on the business.
Develop a 10- to 15-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation of an operations consulting
engagement proposal to the Chief Operating Officer (COO) and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the
target firm.
Format your assignment consistent with APA guidelines.
Consider the following as you read:

What is operations consulting and how can it help firms to become more efficient?
What are some of the tools used by operations consultants?
How can one execute the tools of operations consulting to improve business processes?

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