Perception of Consumers on Social Media Marketing Report for the qualitative study (Min 1000 words) Question Social media marketing is a form of internet

Perception of Consumers on Social Media Marketing Report for the qualitative study (Min 1000 words)


Social media marketing is a form of internet marketing that involves marketers creating and sharing content on social media networks in order to achieve the marketing and branding goals. Social media marketing includes activities like posting text and image updates, videos, and other content that drives audience engagement.

Apply principles from the psychology of consumer behaviour and conduct an open-ended interview with ONE participant to evaluate the participant’s perspective of marketers using social media marketing to promote their products. Do include a transcript of the interview.


Social media and social networking have a longer history than one might expect. In an increasing trend, companies are engaging in social networking to market their products and services. Many companies have Facebook pages and they work hard to put interesting contents on their pages in order to attract fans and generate consumers’ “liking” their page. Companies also engage users with advertising within the social networking websites. When companies engage in social networking, consumers can more naturally interact with their products, which may increase loyalty and positive feelings and attitudes toward the product. In addition, social networking allows consumers to pass on information and comments about the products and companies, hence extending the company’s reach exponentially.

In this qualitative study, students need to evaluate the participant’s perspective of marketers using social media marketing to promote their products. Students are required to select ONE participant who can be either a male or a female. For this assignment, students should ask 20 open-ended questions in order to collect a more meaningful primary data. Students are required to provide a 10-minute transcript in the appendix.

Relevant material

In order to complete this study, you will have to use information from Chapter 17 of the textbook (here:… (let me know if you can’t access to it)). However, you should read widely and beyond the textbook in order to add depth to your study. Reference to relevant research studies and examples will attract more marks. The information in the textbook is limited, so you are advised to go beyond the textbook and course material to search for relevant information and incorporate them in your discussion.


Write up your study

Your qualitative study should tell the reader the following things:

• Why was the study conducted?

• What was done in the study?

• What were the results of the study?

• What conclusions can be drawn from these results?

In order to address the above issues, you are required to include the following sections in your report:

a) Title (~ 10 words)

This should let your reader know which area of psychology is being explored and give them a basic idea of what the study is all about. The title should be as meaningful as possible that capture the very essence of the project in less than ten words.

b) Introduction (~ 400 words)

This section should review the relevant literature and structure it into a logical argument. Here we provide the reader with a summary of the research in this area that has already been conducted and explain briefly the reasons for conducting this study.

c) Method (~150 words)

In this section, you describe how the project was conducted. Your method section should include:

• A brief description of the material used

• Who was interviewed

• Who carried out the interviews

• Acknowledgement of ethical issues and how your study had addressed them

d) Discussion (~450 words)

The discussion should clearly state what you have found. You should link it to the literature covered in the introduction, coming to a conclusion as to how the results from the project fit in with the literature and how they address the issues concerning this study. There are other issues that you may want to consider in this section, such as what general implications can be drawn from this project, whether there were any surprises or unexpected results, and how these could be interpreted.

The overall focus of this section should be on constructive criticality, where you critically and carefully consider what you have found. Besides discussing the limitations, you should make positive suggestions for future work in the area, so that further study can develop and emerge from your research.

e) References

This section is often overlooked and neglected. It is very important and needs to be done according to APA format.

f) Appendices

You should include a copy of your annotated transcript and any notes that you have made on how you identified your key themes.

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