Physical Aid and Physical Barries Discussion Response Hello, Note: Need two different copies for discussion and Response Task 1: Discussion: There are

Physical Aid and Physical Barries Discussion Response Hello,

Note: Need two different copies for discussion and Response

Task 1:


There are many different types of physical barriers, internal and external to an organization or facility.How can physical aid in the protection of high dollar assets that an organization wants to protect.Your post should be at least 250 words and include at least one citation and reference formatted using APA 6 requirements.

Response: You should give response to attached document which is posted by my friend, You need to go through his post and give response to that post. your response must be professional, courteous, substantive, add to the conversation, a minimum of 50 words, and more than a statement of agreeing or accolades.

1. Discussion in 250 words.

2. Response to my friend post in 50 words.

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