Playing Basketball In Indiana Town Essay Assignment Description: For this assignment, you are to compose three descriptive paragraphs on topics of your ch

Playing Basketball In Indiana Town Essay Assignment Description:

For this assignment, you are to compose three descriptive paragraphs on topics of your choice.

Descriptive writing is a discursive genre common to a variety of academic and professional contexts. From police reports to artist statements in an art gallery or museum, description is a challenging but essential feature of writing. Developing the ability to compose vivid, detailed, and concise descriptions will help prepare you for the types of writing you will be asked to do in your academic and professional life.

While you are free to choose which subjects or objects you will describe for these three paragraphs, be sure to choose subjects or objects that lend themselves to detailed and specific description. As your textbook states, descriptive writing gives the reader a “dominant impression – an overall feeling the details work together to create” (Ideas 154). Descriptive writing should utilize concrete, specific, and inviting details, and use descriptive verbs.

For potential topics see pg. 182. We will also brainstorm a list of potential topics in class.

Review Chapter 6 and be sure to consider I.D.E.A.S. (161-162).

I – Create interest

D – Provide developed details to show your dominant impression

E – Determine what details you must explain

A – Consider your audience

S – Give attention to style to ensure that your paragraph functions as a unified whole and is not just a listing of details

Purpose: Provide vivid and detailed description of an object or artifact of your choice

Audience: General audience

Assignment Requirements:

Length – 150 – 200 words (per paragraph)
Typed and saved as an MS Word document
Total Points: 100

Peer-review Draft DUE: Wednesday, February 6th in class

DUE:Friday, February 8th on Blackboard by 11:59pm

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