Primary Research for question1 answer base on your experience(200 words) for question2 read the article and answer the questions, for each question answer

Primary Research for question1 answer base on your experience(200 words)

for question2 read the article and answer the questions, for each question answer in a short completed sentences 

Have you done research projects before? (No worries if you haven’t…you’re starting one now!) If you have, did you enjoy them–why or why not? How do you feel about conducting primary research for this project?

Then, think a little about a potential discourse community that you’d like to research for your upcoming project–what do you hope your primary research reveals about this discourse community?

After reading the Driscoll article, please answer the questions below—

What is primary research—what does it entail, and why is it important?

Why is following a set of ethics for conducting primary research important?

How does one determine if primary research is appropriate for the research task? How does one ensure that the question they’re asking is suitable for primary research?  

Describe a couple of the tips that Driscoll recommends for producing good data when conducting primary research?

What goal do these tips have in common? In other words, what constitutes “good” data? 1. Have you done research projects before? (No worries if you haven’t…you’re starting
one now!) If you have, did you enjoy them–why or why not? How do you feel about
conducting primary research for this project?
Then, think a little about a potential discourse community that you’d like to research
for your upcoming project–what do you hope your primary research reveals about
this discourse community?
After reading the Driscoll article, please answer the questions below–What is primary research—what does it entail, and why is it important?
Why is following a set of ethics for conducting primary research important?
How does one determine if primary research is appropriate for the research task?
How does one ensure that the question they’re asking is suitable for primary
d) Describe a couple of the tips that Driscoll recommends for producing good data when
conducting primary research?
e) What goal do these tips have in common? In other words, what constitutes “good”

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