Problem faced in reaching goals
Who is the person that most inspires me to earn your NCU degree?
The person who has inspired me the most is to never give up is Mr. Stinson. He was the principal of a middle school where My grandchildren attend and a place in which I worked as a sub-teacher.
Mr. Stinson was the first person to arrive at school and the last to leave. Making sure all bases were covered. Teacher had what they need to teach the next day, student was covered with what the needs of the day at hand brought their way in the classrooms.
He even made sure the ladies in the cafeteria needs were met to meet the needs of who he called his babies. He wanted to make sure that all children were not trying to attend the classroom expecting them to do their class work with a gurgling stomach. He wanted to make sure they were ready to start their day on a positive a note. Focused on their work not their stomach
He would fight for them every level, even on the district level. A school that the whole county considers at the bottom of the list, as far as achievement was concern. Not to mention that the. That broke out in the school every day. He could have given up on these poor children, but he went beyond the call of duty. Never gave up on those children. And those children loved him. because he should them, he cared for their well-being, and he showed them he had respect for them.
In Mr. Stinson I saw if I stay motivated, and show respect, and love you toward others who I wish to help and to serve. I can reach my goal of helping those who are facing problem reaching their goals in life. I believe that with the right training a will be able to help someone who have consider taking their own life, or the life of someone else.